After Taking Care of Over 50 Tour Groups To USA, Over 1,500 People, Here’s WHAT I LEARNED!

Yes, I've six years of travel experience as a USA tour leader and have taken care of over 45 groups to the West Coast and 5 groups to the East Coast. Taking an average of 30 people in a tour group, I've taken care of over 1,500 people (50 x 30 people).

Here are 5 million-dollar lessons that I applied in handling my tour groups which you can apply in your life to help you live a better life.

1. Clarity is power - You must make it very clear.

I made my position very clear that I have their best interest at heart and I'm on their side and will do my best to make their tour experience a wonderful one! They have to make it clear to me if there are special requests and I'll do my best to meet those requests.

2. Communicate Effectively - You must communicate effectively.

I give clear instructions on the itinerary and make sure everyone is clear what is expected from them. And they are crystal clear on the schedule especially the time we have to meet to leave the hotel. Punctuality is very important because time is precious and many times we are on a tight schedule. I used the power of group pressure to make sure everyone co-operate and give them a very good reason for co-operating which is to their best interest.

3. Commitment - You must commit money, time and consistent effort.

I commit money, time and consistent effort to win their trust by showing my commitment by being always punctual for the schedule and being there first to make sure everything is in order. I tip generously to the waiters, the porters, the drivers and the service providers to show my great appreciation and to make sure they gave us good service. The tour members can see my professionalism in action and I deliver to them what I promised.

4. Co-operation - You must understand why it's to your best interest to co-operate.

They know it is to their best interest to co-operate fully with me so that the tour will flow smoothly without hitches and I can deliver what I promised them. They know they have to co-operate by being punctual for meetings so that they will not miss any interesting attractions in the itinerary.

5. Credibility - You must know what you are doing.

I let them know I have lots of experience by sharing with them my experience and what makes a successful tour. I prepare them for what is ahead so they know what to expect and they know that I know exactly what I am doing.

"WHAT I LEARNED!" is a great acrostic for Why, Health, Attitude, Think, Integrity, Love, Education, Ask, Reach, Numbers, Empower, Desire and "!' - represents the irresistible offer!

I'll share more on this acrostic with you at my 365 Days To A Better Life Program.

If you want to learn more about the 365 Days To A Better Life Program, attend my free 2-hour seminar on 4th July 2021, Sunday from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm where you will learn million-dollar lessons on business and life that you can immediately apply to your life.

Click on the link below for more information and to reserve your seat.

Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

P.S. If you want to be happy, rich and successful, you must know what the happy, rich and successful people know and do what they do.

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