Category Archives: Integrity

“Lesson 9: The Ideal Time Line!”

The ideal time line will look like this: 0 to 20 : You learn as much as you can. 20 to 40 : You earn as much as you can. 40 to 60 : You live as much as you can. 60 to 80 : You give as much as you can. 80 to 100…
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“Jesus Said”

"I'm The Way, The Truth and the Life." "Love thy neighbor as thyself." 'Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." "Let your heart not be troubled, if you believe in God, believe also in me." "In my Father's house are many mansions; if…
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“How To Achieve Financial Freedom In A SYSTEMATIC WAY!”

If you believe in God, this could be His answer to your prayer! Millions worldwide are looking for A SYSTEMATIC WAY to achieve financial freedom, the potential is mind boggling, and the world is your market! In this viral marketing report you will discover a brilliant, proven and effective system that will help you and…
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