How To Create Wealth In 10 Simple Steps

What is wealth? It is very subjective, depending on your values and expectations. One group of people will feel wealthy having an extra $300 to $1,000 every month while another group will only feel wealthy when the extra income is $3,000 to $10,000 or more a month, and another group will only feel wealthy when that extra income is $30,000 to $100,000 or more a month.

Whatever group you belong to, this great opportunity can help you achieve what you want provided you match it with the commitment of money, time and consistent effort to achieve it. The money commitment is a tiny fraction of what millions have invested!

Millions worldwide have invested $100,000 to $1,000,000 or more to start their franchise or conventional business, and now for a very small one-time investment of less than $1,000 in a business builder package of health supplements and skincare products, you can build a global business in 150 countries with offices in 50 countries to support your business - this is the irresistible offer! Treat the business builder package as a bonus, a gift to you for being smart enough to see the irresistible offer!

An investment in a MacDonald's franchise business is over one million dollars and if it takes less than 5 years to break even, it mean you must pull in a profit of about $20,000 a month! Break even is the process of recovering your initial investment which means you haven't made a cent yet, just getting back your money!

Compared to a network marketing business that you can start with a very small one-time investment of less than$1,000 in a business builder package of health supplements and break even in 1 to 3 months! And you can generate a passive income from $3,000 to $10,000 or more a month in 1 to 3 years!

It makes perfect sense to start this wonderful business of people helping people to live a better life, and the first step is understanding what "The Other Secret " is all about.

Step 1 is To Have Clarity on what "The Other Secret" is all about. Watch the very short 10-minute video to the end to have clarity on it.

Keep on sharing "The Other Secret" with as many people as possible and you'll be working with five powerful universal laws to guarantee your success!

Step 2 is To Lead By Example - it is the best form of leadership. If you are a business builder and want to earn $3,000 to $10,000 or more a month, get any business builder package for less than $1,000 only! If you are a part-timer who just want to earn $300 to $1,000 or more a month, a basic package for less than $500 will do.

Step 3 is To Learn And Earn At The Same Time - you can start earning while you are learning by sharing your replicared website link.

Yes, keep on sharing your link with as many people as possible! If it makes perfect sense to them, they will join you and if not, they won't. Yes, it is that simple, some will, some won't, next!

Step 4 is To Leverage The Excellent Support System - you and your team attend the training, seminars, webinars, special events and conventions as many times as possible!

To be successful you must commit money, time and consistent effort to learn from successful leaders and do what they do!

Step 5 is To Keep On Sharing "The Other Secret" with as many people as possible! When you do that, you'll be working with five powerful universal laws to guarantee your success! To have more clarity on "The Other Secret" watch the very short 11-minute video to the end. Yes, clarity is power!

Keep on sharing "The Other Secret" because sharing is giving, caring and loving!

Step 6 is To Attend The One-Day Create Wealth System Seminar valued at US$970. This special seminar is available to you for free when you commmit to any business builder package. It will be held at Jeunesse Global office in Singapore. If you live in another country, I'll record the seminar and email it to you so you can learn exactly what the participants in Singapore learned at this special seminar.

Step 7 is To Be Your Own Best Customer - consume the excellent health supplements and use the skincare and haircare products daily to enjoy the great benefits and share your testimonials on how the products help you feel and look years younger!

Step 8 is To Understand The ABC of Success - it's about having a positive Attitude, to Believe in yourself and Commitment of money, time and consistent effort to achieve your dream!

Positive Attitude - All successsful people have a positive attitude. It will make you attractive to people and will help you to be successful.

Believe In Yourself - If millions worldwide can become millionaires or earn $10,000 or more a month, why not you? You must have the self esteem, confidence and belief that if millions can do it, you can do it too!

Commitment - It is what separates the men from the boys, and those who succeed from those who fail. You must commit money, time and consistent effort to achieve your dream! That is what all successful leaders do, and the best part about this wonderful business is the commitment in money is not $100,000 to $1,000,000 or more, it is a very small one-time investment of less than $1,000 only in a business builder package!

Step 9 is To Understand The Powerful TTP Concept - Take The Products, Talk To People and Teach The People to do the same! When you do the right things you will Take The Profit!

Step 10 is To Be Teachable - You must be willing to learn from successful leaders. To be successful, you must do what the successful leaders do.

I've uploaded 52 short YouTube videos from 5 minutes to 30 minutes to teach you how to be successful in this wonderful business of people helping people to live a better life. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for free and learn million-dollar lessons on business and life for free!

Take the first baby step towards creating wealth, click on the link below and just do it!

Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

P.S. "If a man practices doing things for other people until it becomes so much a habit that he is unconscious of it, all the good forces of the universe line up behind him and whatever he undertakes to do." - Bruce Barton

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