“Make Every Step A Step Of GRATITUDE!”

This morning I was inspired to share this inspiration of making every step a step of GRATITUDE!

How to boost up your life and create positive energy in every step you take! Each step you take be conscious of what is happening around you, your breathing and your feelings and thoughts. If you are in your garden or in a park, make every step a step of GRATITUDE!

As you take each step, tell yourself, I am Grateful, I am Thankful, I am Loving, I am Caring, I am Sharing, I am Giving, I am Wise, I am Good, I am Wonderful, I am Healthy and I am Happy! You can add positive words to your thoughts by using this powerful words "I Am". If you are a Christian, you will appreciate what I am sharing with you, if not, you can still use this powerful words to help you live a better and happy life!

When Moses ask God, what to tell others about Him, what name to use? He told Moses, "I Am That, I Am" So every time you use the words "I Am", you are using God's name! And that will generate tremendous positive power and link you with God!

You have heard many times that God is Love and Love is God, haven't you? God is Wisdom, Gratitude, Happiness, Caring, Sharing and Giving too! God manifested Himself in many forms, many ways and many positive feelings!

I love to use acronyms and "GRATITUDE" is a great acronym for Greatness, Relationship, Action, Think, Integrity, Time, Understand, Dream and Empower.

By reading this acronym, you will get to know me better, the principles, values and beliefs I hold dear to my heart. You cannot be what you are not, and what you are is made up of the principles, values and beliefs you hold dear to your heart. I will touch briefly on this acronym and will share more at my inspiring, empowering and life-transforming 2-day YES! Seminar, for more information on this seminar and the irresistible offer, click here!

Greatness - Great service to many people is the way to greatness! If you study all the great people in the past and those living today, they have this common intention to help all people live a better and happy life! They understand and realize that they are here to serve, and great leaders are great servants! They constantly think about others and forget themselves!

Relationship - You are creating relationship all the time and it is based on this universal law of cause and effect - what you sow you shall reap - what goes around and comes around in your business and your life! Why you must work with this universal law all the time? Because this universal law is working on you all the time whether you like it or not!

Action - We all make mistakes and to err is human, to forgive, divine! Be man enough or woman enough to say "I am sorry" when you have made a mistake. Especially baby boomers, those who are born between 1946 and 1964, you will have your andropausal and menopausal outbursts!

Sometimes it is not your fault, it could be triggered by the body chemical reactions in your body or it could be due to stress that is accumulating and just waiting to explode! And stress comes in many forms! Most likely it is due to relationship, finance and communication problems! Do take time off to meditate and get rid off your stress, I recommend a holiday or a health retreat!

Think - "You are what you think." - Buddha, he is known as the enlightened one! Respected by millions worldwide for his profound wisdom! You are where you are today it is because of your thoughts, words and actions. If you want to live a better life, then you must think better, speak better and do better, isn't it?

"Whether you think you can or you cannot, you are right." - Henry Ford.

These words of wisdom come from God in many forms and many ways, and God is always communicating with you! "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he..." - Proverbs 23:7

Integrity - It is only wise to do the right thing because whatever you do will have its effects. God is Integrity! And God has made it very clear in the Bible, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." - Matthew 7:12. When the world leaders are wise enough to follow God's words of wisdom, we would enjoy world peace!

Many times we get emotional and say the wrong things or do the wrong things, it is only human to make mistakes, and we cannot judge or condemn another. That is why I always share the story in the Bible of the men and women who wanted to stone the prostitute, and Jesus came along, and told the crowd, that the one who was without sin should throw the first stone. One by one, the condemning crowd left. Then Jesus told the woman, “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more” - John 8:11

Time - Yes time and tide wait for no man, and if you have neglected your health it could be later than you think. Wisdom is very important, many people neglected their health and their hearts! Heart disease is the No.1 killer worldwide, followed by cancer, they have killed more people than two world wars and all the road accidents combined! The saddest part is heart disease and cancer could be prevented!

"Prevent the preventable and delay the inevitable." - Dr Darryl Chew

What are you doing with your time? Have you discovered your purpose and passion? Do you have a plan of action. Not planning is planning to fail! Are you crystal clear on what you want to do with the rest of your life? Do you want to have more money and more time to live your dream?

Understand - You don't know what you don't know. And to know and not to do is not to understand! Let me introduce you to the world's most misunderstood business and millions of people are losing big time because they close their minds to it and many because of ignorance are suffering due to lack of money and lack of time when this brilliant, proven and tested system can give them more money and more time to live their dreams!

I know exactly what I am sharing with you because in 21 years I have seen how this brilliant, proven and tested system has made a positive difference to millions of lives worldwide!

Dream - Now with google and youtube, you cannot claim ignorance and say that you are not inspired! There are many inspirational articles and videos to inspire you to achieve your dream! I highly recommend you go to youtube and search for inspirational videos that will inspire you to achieve your dream! I highly recommend you watch and listen to the video "The Power of The Dream" by Celine Dione.

The dream could be your compelling purpose supported by a burning desire that makes you unstoppable! Let me share with you the million-dollar success formula that has helped me made my first million in this wonderful business, "If not now, when? If not you, who? It is not how to? It is always why do?!"

Empower - The network marketing business is more powerful than ever because it has integrated internet marketing into its system. Now you have the best of both worlds, high touch and high tech! This wonderful business gives you the opportunity to help millions of people worldwide to live a better and happy life!

When you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, but when you teach him how to fish, he feeds himself and his family for a lifetime!

Yes when you are part of my team, you get to leverage on 21 years of network marketing knowledge and experience worth millions of dollars and my investment of over $100,000 to learn from many successful people.

You will also leverage on 15 years of internet marketing experience, yes I invested $1,900 to get my first website up and running in 1999! I will be sharing the great lessons I have learned over the years with you at my training sessions and my YES! Seminar.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” – Lao Tze

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You are at the right place and at the right time, take action now! Go to:

>>> www.myworld.jeunesseglobal.com

When you are registering online, take note of these six things.

1. Bank details. You can submit your bank details later at your website back office, you don’t have to do it now.

2. SSN stands for Social Security Number for US Citizens. Other countries, key in your passport number or identity card number.

3. Co-applicant is optional. You can key in your spouse name and identity card number or anyone who you want to have as a partner in the business. It is free when you do it now. If you do it later, there is a US$25 processing fee.

4. Telephone numbers. If you live in Singapore, for example, key in 6512345678, all the numbers stick together including the country code, no dashes.

5. Autoship - If you do not want monthly autoship, indicate it, and if you want it choose one product that will be deducted monthly from your credit card, indicate pick up or delivery. Monthly autoship is optional, it is there for your convenience especially those who are forgetful and just want to be sure they keep their accumulated points!

6. Payment Card - This is the debit card which you can use to take your commission from an ATM machine or use it to buy things. It is free and you only pay the fees when you activate it, it is just an option for you. For your orders to go through, you must tick on this item too!

Optional One-Time Offer Packages, you get the opportunity to enjoy bulk discount when you order any package, this is the only time you get the chance to order at below wholesale prices.

If you consider yourself a part-timer, and just want to earn a few hundred to a few thousand a month, then choose the Basic Package.

If you consider yourself a business builder and you want to earn $10,000 to $100,000 or more a month in passive income, then choose the Business Builder Package, it will help you earn more in a shorter time!

I highly recommend the one-year Jumbo package for those who are serious about building the business and want to get the best value out of the packages!

If you choose the one-year Jumbo package or Ambassador package, you get to attend my 2-day YES! Seminar worth thousands of dollars for free! Thousands have invested $2,000 or more for a seminar! For more information on this inspiring, empowering and life-transforming seminar and the irresistible offer, click here!

Click on the link below and get started now!

>>> www.myworld.jeunesseglobal.com

Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach


P.S. Here is my million-dollar success formula,
it has helped me to make my first million! “If not now, when?
If not you, who? It is not how to? It is always why do?!”

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