The Create Wealth System Seminar Was CREATED FOR YOU!

I love to use acronym and "CREATED FOR YOU!" is a great acronym for Commitment, Results, Education, Ask, Time, Empower, Do, Freedom, Opportunity, Reach, Yes, Observe, Universal laws and "!" - represents the Irresistible Offer!

I'll share more with you on this acronym at the 2-Day Create Wealth System Seminar.

I'm writing this report straight from my heart based on my 30 years of network marketing and 24 years of digital marketing knowledge and experience.

Yes, I've invested over $100,000 in seminars to learn from many successful entrepreneurs and I have my fair share of rogue "internert marketing gurus" who led me on a wild goose chase, promising me the moon and leaving me in the mud!

I know what millions have gone through, they were lied to, decieved and left in the mud! That is why to give clarity, confidence and certaintly, I give a simple one-page risk-free 90-day 100% money-back guarantee!

"Follow my step-by-step for 90 days and if you're not able to earn at least double of your $970 fee, I'll return 100% of your fee!"

My heart is in the right place because I've been scammed too. And there are too many rogue marketers out there scamming millions worldwide and we can do our part to save these people from being scammed.

I want to assure people with this guarantee and I stake my 30 years of network marketing reputation and my million-dollar brand as Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach on this guarantee!

This seminar is based on love, wisdom and integrity and you'll be leveraging a proven and very effective marketing system that gives you a two-tier affiliate marketing program which you can earn $10,000 or more in 90 days if you commit to working the system.

It is a brilliant program that includes a free affiliate program with payout on one tier which means people who do not want to commit to the seminar can be your free affiliate and earn a good $350 affiliate commission when they recommend a prospect to you who joins the seminar.

This way you have a marketing funnel, a group of free affiliates who recommend prospects to you. But on your part, you must make it clear to these free affiliates, they get paid only on one tier, and if they love this idea of leverage income, they should join the seminar and be part of the system to earn two tiers of affiliate commission, $350 on the first tier and $100 on the second tier for each person who joins the the seminar.

For clarity on how it works and how to start, speak to the person who shared this report with you.

This seminar is only available in Singapore, so those of you who are living in Singapore will have the first-mover advantage! I'm looking for events organizers to co-operate with me and make this seminar available in many countries! You are now getting in at less than 50% of the seminar price because when it is fully launched in other countries, it will be selling at $1,970 because of the operating costs.

This free affiliate program pays out one tier of affiliate commisssion at $350 for each person who joins the seminar and it is for those who don't have the money or not willing to commit to the seminar and just want to earn one tier of affiliate commission.

All free affiliates have the opportunity to leverage the system and earn more when they participate in the seminar and be part of the system.

Based on my 30 years of network marketing experience, I've made it as simple as possible and I'm offering millions of network marketers this irresistible offer! You can learn in 2 days what took me 30 years to learn, and you'll learn how to earn your first million in network marketing!

50% of the seminar will be generic, proven and tested success principles on network marketing, I won't be promoting any network marketing company but by attending this seminar they should be able to know how to choose the right company.

Two critical factors for success in network marketing, joining the right company and doing the right things.

The other 50% of the seminar, you'll learn million-dollar lessons on business and life that I've invested over $100,000 to learn!

Yes, I was willing to invest over $100,000 to learn from many successful entrepreneurs such as Robert Kiyosaki, Tony Robbins, Jay Abraham and Mark Victor Hansen! Are you willing to make a very small one-time investment of $970 in the "goldmine" between your ears?

"The best financial investment is in yourself, the more you learn, the more you earn." - Warren Buffet

A picture says a thousand words, a video says so much more. For clarity on my irresistible offer, watch the short 10-minute video to the end.

If It Makes Perfect Sense To You - Just Do It!

My forte is keeping it simple, and I've kept this money-making opportunity as simple as possible!

So what are you waiting for? There is absolutely no risk and if you want to be rich, you must do what the rich do! They have the courage to make the right decisions that will help them achieve financial freedom!

The person who shared this report with you is waiting for you to get in touch with them to start on this wonderful journey of helping people to live a better life by sharing an irresistible offer!

Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

P.S. To Be Rich, You Must Do What The Rich Do!

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