“What Are You Waiting For?”

Yes time and tide wait for no man. If you have neglected your health, it could be later than you think. How much have you invested your body, mind and spirit? Are you living a balanced life with enough time for yourself and your loved ones or are you at the beck and call of your boss? Are you sick and tired of always telling your friends you are busy and have no time?

I will appreciate if you just imagine I am a brother speaking to you and have your best interest at heart, and if I come on too strong and hit a nerve or two, my apologies. Please understand where I come from, it is with the good intention to give you a wake-up call! Sometimes we need a little push to get ahead in life. Since my 56th birthday which I celebrated in Myanmar because I was the key speaker at a national seminar over there, I had many great insights on business and life!

I had an enlightening experience in Myanmar, that is another story, when we have the chance to meet, I will share with you because it is quite personal. But I am at that age when I am not too concerned of what people think as long as I walk the right path and follow God's instruction and do the right thing.

You may think some of the things I share with you are far fetched and hard to believe, like Bruce Lee, my grandmaster in Jeet Kune Do, he would advise his students, "Absorb what is useful." Yes absorb what makes sense to you.

When I was 10 years young, I had an out of body experience during a dental operation. I must have lost lots of blood and found myself floating near the ceiling over the dental surgeon that is operating on me! That is why I know I am more than just this physical body.

I am using my Jeunesse business to promote this wonderful worldwide movement, "To help all people to live a better and happy life, help make this world a better place, and help make world peace a reality!" This is my calling and I am working closely with God, and with Him, I know everything is possible!

You can form your own informal group to discuss in what ways you can contribute and support this movement. We all can do our part in our own special ways to help people live a better and happy life and help make this world a better place.

The network marketing business will help promote world peace by educating people that we live in an interdependent world and it is only wise to co-operate and support each other and sheer foolishness and madness to fight and kill each other! Let us all do our part to think win-win and promote world peace.

Yes whatever I teach you must be simple and duplicatable, what can be more simple and duplicatable than sharing a viral-marketing report with a good friend, if he likes the report, he can repeat what you are doing. This report will help you to duplicate and multiply your time and effort thousands of times! It will help you qualify your prospects and help you to speak to people who are interested in what you have to offer them!

You will have a powerful and effective replicated website to promote your business. This website will cost you $10,000 or more if you were to create it yourself but now you can have it for one year by being an Associate Member for US$29.95 only! It comes with a comprehensive back office system. The Associate Membership is an irresistible offer itself, it comes with a turnkey global business system that is worth millions!

So what are you waiting for? For clarity on the business, click on the replicated website link below, explore the website and click on "Watch & Learn" to watch the videos. If it makes perfect sense to you, just do it!


Many network marketers will share with you that they have waste too much time talking to people who are not interested in what they have to offer or not ready for it! This report is to help you introduce your business without wasting too much of your precious time. Can you copy, cut, paste and send an email? If you can do that, you can introduce this business to as many people as possible.

Of course, nothing beats a heart-to-heart talk over a cup of coffee at Starbucks, but this report will be the first step to get people interested. In this business, you got to do the basics, share a viral-marketing report of video or call a friend for a cup of coffee because you have something exciting to share with him.

You will have everything you need to know to do the business the right way because Jeunesse has a very effective support system of training, seminars, webinars, special events and conventions to help you and your team to build your business.

To get started, take the first baby step and join as an Associate Member for US$29.95 only! Speak to the person who shared this report with you, he will guide you along on how to maximize your earnings in this business and make your money in a shorter time! Click on the replicated website link and just do it!


Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

P.S. Here is my million-dollar success formula, it has helped me to make my first million, and I am very sure it will help you too! "If not now, when? If not you, who? It is not how to? It is always why do?!"

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