“10 Great Insights Than Will Help You Live A Better and Happy Life!”

This blog post is my gift to you. Wow! How time flies, with God's blessings I've lived for 59 years and I've dedicated my life to bringing as many people as possible to God, our Father in Heaven, the Almighty King of Kings!

I recently came back from an epic 23-day USA trip and gotten many great insights and I'm inspired to share these 10 great insights that will help you to live a better and happy life!

1. Every breath you take is a miracle. There are so many brilliant systems in your body that are keeping you alive! Even all the scientists of the world are not able to create any of the systems in your body. They tried but never come close to building an organ, a good example is the heart, it can go on beating for 80 to 120 years or more!

You are a walking miracle, they can invest billions but they can never produce what your two eyes can do! They can invest trillions and have the best scientists but they cannot produce something that your brain can do such as imagining and creating inventions! You are a walking miracle!

To men many things are not possible, to God, all things are possible!

2. You don't know how much your Mom and Dad love you until you become a Mom or Dad. God shows what is unconditional love through them!

3. You don't know how much you love your Mom and Dad until they have left this earth. Treasure the precious time you have with your Mom and Dad if they are still alive and spend more time with them. They love you so much they would love to hear from you. Give them a hug and say to them these sweetest words, "I love you"

4. Give and you must receive, you are reminded of the universal law of giving and receiving with every breath you take! When you breathe out you must breathe in, and when you breathe in you must breathe out, isn't it?

When you give you must receive, and when you receive you must give, it may not happen immediately but sooner or later it must happen.

When you give, you may not receive immediately like your breathing, but sooner of later it must happen and it comes back to you in many ways and forms, and sometimes a hundred fold! You could get it back in terms of good health, happiness, a loving family, safe travels, great friends, etc.

"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life that no man sincerely try to help another without helping himself." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

5. Do it now it may be later than you think. We do not have forever and our loved ones and friends do not have forever too. Death is certain but the time of death is very uncertain. If there is anything good that you can do, any kind words you want to say, do it now.

I wished I've made my recent USA trip a few years earlier, one of the objectives of this trip is to catch up with old friends, I couldn't see two good friends, one was stricken with Alzheimer disease and the other passed away a year ago.

When I was at the airport in Seattle, my 91-year old friend was there to see me off, we had an emotional parting and I we had a short prayer. I pray God will keep him in good health take good care of him.

We know that we all can't live forever and if I don't see him again, I believe I'll see him in Heaven.

A 70-year plus Christian gentlemen who sat beside me at San Francisco airport told me when I shared with him what happened in Seattle, "You'll see him again in Heaven!"

7. You can't open the door if you are using the wrong key. To be happy, healthy and wealthy, observe what the happy, healthy and wealthy are doing and follow them. Do the right things to get the right results.

If you continue to do what you are doing, you'll continue to get what you are getting! If you want a different results you must do things differently. Albert Einstein defined insanity as "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."

8. What you cannot see doesn't mean it's not there. Many times there are things that are blocking us mentally, emotionally, financially or spiritually.

It doesn't mean that if you cannot see the evil spirits around you, they are not there. You must have the holy spirit in you to fight evil spirits that are everywhere. Your best protection is to live righteously, believe in God and trust the holy spirit to protect you.

9. God loves you. He gave us the simplest success formula, "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.' - Matthew 6:33

Trust God to give you the simplest method, and the universal law of averages will ensure your success, "Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. - Matthew 7:7

Trust God to send Jesus to give you the simplest instruction, "Follow me."

Trust God to give you an irresistible offer, when you accept God, trust and believe in him, you'll enjoy a good life on earth and a happy and everlasting life with Him!"

10. God is love and wisdom. With love and wisdom, you can have everything you want in this life plus everlasting life! Life on earth is temporary. When you leave this earth you cannot carry a cent with you. The real home is with Jesus where there will be no more tears and sad partings.

Hope this insights will help you to live a better and happy life!

God bless!


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