5 Simple Steps To Live A Better Life!

Here are the 5 simple steps to live a better life:

1. Read - You must be crystal clear on what is it all about and how it works by reading this viral report.

2. Do - Take action, attend the Zoom Meeting and get the chance to win a solid one ounce 999.9 fine silver coin! I love to reward people for taking action. Follow the instruction at the Zoom Meeting and just do it!

3. Learn - You must learn the million-dollar lessons on business and life from the 365 Days To A Better Life Program and apply them to your life.

4. Copy - You simply copy our viral reports and replace the contact numbers in it with yours. You copy what the successful leaders are doing. Yes, you can copy your way to success!

5. Share - Sharing is giving and the more you give, the more you'll receive. You can share the great opportunity over a cup of coffee in a 25-minute presentation or share this viral report with as many people as possible! You must work with the Law of Averages to guarantee your success, some will, some won't, next!

If you live in Singapore you have the first-mover advantage because the 365 Days To A Better Life Program is launched in Singapore. I'm looking for business partners to make it available in many countries.

I am looking for smart people who want to work smart. People who understand they must leverage their time and effort if they want to get ahead of the majority.

Many people are in their comfort zone and not willing to change. They are still stuck in their old ways of doing things which is working hard for a living and doing what most people are doing.

Many people at the at the end of the month, find that there is not much money left for living. There is hope for those who are smart enough to want to work smart and are willing to change and learn from those who are successful.

Yes, for as little as $1 a day, you can leverage a platform, team and a brilliant, proven and very effective money-making system to help you earn your first million in 1 to 3 years! If you find that hard to believe, don't go against you mind, you can always stretch the time to 3 to 5 years or 5 to 10 years.

It all depends on your beliefs and commitment to working with the platform, team and brilliant, proven and very effective money-making system.

You have a great opportunity to learn million-dollar lessons on business and life that I've invested over $100,000 to learn!

Here's a million-dollar lesson on working with the universal law of giving and receiving - the more you give, the more you'll receive. Work with this universal law to guarantee your success.

Please share this report or comment with a "Yes" if you will participate in a 30-minute Zoom Meeting on How To Earn $130 in 25 Minutes!"

I'm giving a solid 1 oz 999.9 fine silver coin to a lucky participant who will give the best answer to my special question!


Please share the link with friends to give them an opportunity to learn how to earn $130 in 25 minutes and a chance to win a silver coin!

At the end of the 30-minute zoom meeting, I will pick up the lucky winner who gave the best answer to a special question!

There is a sign in front of a Casino in Las Vegas that says, "You Have To Be Present To Win!"

95% of success is showing up to learn, network and help people to live a better life.

Please Note: This lucky prize offer is for Singapore only.

You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

5 June 2021, Saturday 8.30 pm
It's a 30-minute Zoom Meeting on
"How To Earn $130 in 25 Minutes!"

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 798 3549 0655
Passcode: U9baK4

For more information, you can message 8168 2088. Please do not call because I do not answer calls from telephone numbers I do not know. I am on WhatsApp too.

When you are part of our team you'll be given the rights to copy our viral reports and replace the contact numbers with yours.

Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

P.S. If there is so much to gain and nothing to lose, if you don't take action, who is the one to lose?

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