What are your customers telling you every day? REMEMBER ME! They want you to have their best interest at heart and to treat them the way you want to be treated. They want you to follow God's great commandment, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." - Matthew 7:12

Hi, this is Bruce Seah, Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach, incorporating Biblical principles and teachings into my business to help millions worldwide to live a better life, and more importantly to know God and his great commandments.

If the world leaders follow God's great commandments, we will have world peace and prosperity.

When I was a young Christian and I hardly read the Bible, God spoke to me in his special ways at the Armenian Church, the oldest church in Singapore.

I love to go to this church for my quiet moments with God because I remember the scripture, "Be still and know that I am God" and with an old Bible that I bought for US$1 only from an antique shop in the USA in 1979 when I was a student there, on my knees I asked God wholeheartedly, "God what is your most important message?"

That was a miracle for me because instinctively I opened my old bible and God guided my hand and finger to Matthew 22: 37-40 and answered my question to the letter!

"Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."

This is my testimony on how God will answer you and will answer your prayers in many ways if you would only take time to spend with him and listen.

"REMEMBER ME!" is a great acronym for Results, Express, Mentor, Education, Multiply, Believe, Empower, Reach, Magnetic, Exponential and "!" - represents the Irresistible Offer!

I'll share more on this acronym with you at my full-day Create Wealth System Seminar from11.30 am to 6.30 pm held at Jeunesse Global office in Singapore worth US$970 and you can attend it for free when you are part of my global team. If you live in other countries it will be a 12-weekly 2-hour zoom webinars worth US$970 too.

Millions worldwide have invested $100,000 to $1,000,000 or more to start their conventional or franchise business in one country! Are you willing to make a very small one-time investment of less than US$2,000 only to build a simple 24/7 global business in 140 countries?

How to be part of my global team? There are 3 simple options:

Make a very small one-time investment of less than US$2,000 in any business builder package of excellent health supplements, skincare or haircare products at wholesale prices that will help you feel and look years younger!

We highly recommend the business builder package if you seriously want to build the business to earn US$3,000 to US$10,000 or more a month in passive income! This business is driven by business builders and the best way to lead is to lead by example.

If you are financially challenged, you can invest less than US$200 in any basic package

The above two options is for those who want to earn up to six streams of income.

Or you can be an Associate Member for a year for US$49.95 only if you live in the USA, and US$29.95 only if you live in other countries. And you can earn two streams of income, retail profit and bonuses from packages bought at your e-commerce store, ranging from US$25 to US$250.

For details on how you can earn up to six streams of income, speak to the person who shared this viral report with you or visit the website below:

When you are part of my global team, you'll be given the rights to leverage this viral report and replace the above replicated website link with yours. This way everyone in your team can do exactly what you do and it will help you build an organization of thousands!

A picture says a thousand words, a video says so much more. For clarity on the 3 simple options, watch this short video to the end and just do it!

Just Do It!

Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

P.S. To Be Rich You Must Think Like The Rich And Do What The Rich Do!

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