Category Archives: Bible

“Great Lessons I’ve Learned In My 60 Years of Life Journey!”

Great Lessons I've Learned In My 60 Years of Life Journey! God is great! Trust Him to give you the best irresistible offer in life! "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." - Matthew 6:33 (New Living Translation) "Integrity is the essence of…
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Yes Have A Merry Christmas! Hope you and your loved ones and friends have a great time! Do count your blessings and enjoy the precious time you have together! "HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS!" is a great acronym for Hope, Arisen, Victory, Energy, Awaken, Multiply, Empower, Results, Reach, You, Christ, Help, Roadmap, Integrity, Service, T -…
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“Share A Report That Will Touch The Hearts of Millions!”

"Words are like things, and a small drop of ink, falling like dew upon a thought, produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions think." - Lord Bryon People love to read stories. Share three short thought-provoking stories to get three important messages across. This report could be worth a million dollars or more to you…
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“Share Three Thought-Provoking Stories And Grow Rich!”

People love stories. Here's a viral marketing report for you to share three thought-provoking stories to help yourself and millions worldwide grow rich! Here are three short, interesting and thought-provoking stories: First story. It is a popular story in the marketing circle about a top marketing expert telling his son, "I will beat you every…
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