“Don’t Let The Dark Side of People Stop You!”

In any business, there are people doing the right things and people doing the wrong things. Stay away from the ugly side or dark side of people doing the wrong things.

One great way to stay away from the ugly side or dark side of people doing the wrong things is to join the right company and right leaders who are doing the right things.

What do we mean when we say the ugly side or dark side of people doing the wrong things? It is a people business and there are companies with executives with integrity and there are companies with executives that lack integrity. There are leaders who are doing the right things and "leaders" doing the wrong things!

It is very hard to enforce integrity, either you have it or you don't. You will have integrity when you have great principles, values and beliefs. You cannot do things that are against your principles, values and beliefs. "You are what you think." - Buddha

There are leaders with integrity and leaders lacking integrity. There are leaders who encourage people to switch sponsors and even poach other people's downlines for whatever reasons!

Sometime poaching is happening within their organization which is a stupid thing to allow it to happen because it will affect the morale of the organization. When people lose respect for the leaders, most likely it will hurt their business in some ways.

People do the stupidest thing out of greed and lack of integrity. There are practices of front loading of products in the market, where you find the products are sold below wholesale prices. Such practices will hurt the business and the right company will take action against such rogue "leaders".

These products are sold at fairs and many websites below wholesale prices. This happens when rogue network marketing "leaders" buy up their positions and manipulate the system.

All these things happen because "leaders" do not follow the rules and they do not believe in the universal law of cause and effect - what you sow you shall reap - what goes around comes around in your business and your life.

Another factor that could affect your business is miscommunication or poor communication or negative attitude. That is why you must improve yourself and your communication and relationship building skill.

Do not be too hard on yourself if you have made mistake, learn to say "I am sorry" and forgive others too, and move on. Sometimes you may have said the wrong things at the wrong time. It takes two to tango, learn to admit your mistakes and learned from your mistakes!

There is a popular saying, good judgement comes from experience and some of the experience comes from bad judgement. Many top network marketers have to join a few companies before they found the right one!

Why do rogue "leaders" do things that will hurt them? It is because of the ignorance of this universal law of cause and effect that they do it. Some of these leaders believe they can get away with it.

There are no secrets, whatever you do in this business, words do get around and at the end of the day, everyone will know what you have done.

More importantly, you have to face the person in the mirror every day who knows exactly what you have done. For those who believe in God, there is a judgement day. Do the right thing and you will get the right result and enjoy peace of mind!

There are companies and leaders in this industry who are doing the wrong things, and this has given a bad rap to the business. We all have to play our part to raise the standards in this industry with proper training and leading by example!

In any industry you will have a few black sheep. Do not let that stop you from enjoying this wonderful industry that has made a positive difference to millions of lives worldwide.

Some get-rich-quick scams disguised themselves as network marketing companies and this have made things worse. There are ignorant journalists and people from the media who don't understand this business, giving the public the wrong impression.

These rogue network marketing "leaders" are known as merchants of deception, they will fool people by telling them it is not network marketing, and, of course, their prospects will be frustrated and angry when they found out that it is network marketing!

These rogue network marketing "leaders" will find all ways to deceive people and that had hurt the industry greatly. They place money first before people and do not have people's interest at heart.

Now there are rogue internet marketing gurus who have jumped into the bandwagon of network marketing and they brought with them their skill of deception and that has hurt this industry too!

Network marketing is about integrity, character and leadership. It is about building relationship and doing the right thing.

It is a wonderful business if you join the right company and do the right thing. There are certain rules like the traffic lights, I call it the simple traffic rules of life!

Red - Do not tell lies and do not hurt people.
Amber - Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!
Green - Help people to live a better and happy life by doing what you are doing - this business is about duplication and multiplication.

Do your due diligence and look for the right company that is doing the right things and the leaders that are doing the right things and you will be on the right track!

Great companies are few and I would highly recommend Jeunesse global opportunity, obviously it is because I am in it, but with my 22 years of network marketing experience, I should know a great company when I see one!

Jeunesse is riding on three major hot trends, Ecommerce, Wellness and Beauty. You have a huge and hungry market, over 2 billion baby boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964.

These baby boomers are aging and they want to feel and look 10 years younger! They have the buying power and they want to buy the
products Jeunesse is offering! That is one of the reasons why Jeunesse will achieve worldwide sales of US$1 billion at the end of this year!

Jeunesse has attracted many top leaders in this industry who have made their millions. You don't have to be very smart to make your first million, just be smart enough to follow the leaders who have integrity and have made their millions!

I am looking for enterprising professionals who are tired of their jobs and want more money, more time, and better health. You are only a click away from what you want. Click on the link below and watch the videos, if it makes perfect sense to you, just do it!


Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

P.S. Here is my million-dollar success formula, it helped me to make my first million, and I'm very sure it will help you too. "If not now, when? If not you, who? It is not how to? It is always why do?!"

"A journey of a thousands miles begins with a single step." - Lao Tze

Take the first step now and just do it!


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