A picture says a thousand words, a video says so much more, watch the video below to get a better idea on what this business is all about.

1. What is this business all about?

You leverage a brilliant, proven and tested system to have more money and more time to live your dream and enjoy better health at the same time!

The innovative and breakthrough health supplements and skin care products are based on scientific research, and supported by world renowned doctors who help in formulating the products.

2. How To Register Online?

Go to the person who recommended the Jeunesse business to you, he will give you his replicated website.

3. Why you want to do this business?

If you were to invest in a global business system that operates in over 130 countries, it will cost you millions of dollars! A powerful website that is fully operational for one year with a dedicated full-time staff to maintain it, will cost you $100,000 or more!

Now you can start your global business for a thousand dollars or less!

The USP(Unique Selling Proposition) of this powerful ecommerce platform is the opportunity to build a global business in over 130 countries immediately! Yes your ecommerce business operates 24/7, it never sleeps!

4. What Support System Do You Provide Me?

You have training, seminars, webinars, special events and conventions to support you and your team and to ensure you know exactly what to do to be successful in the business.

You cannot claim ignorance and say you do not know how to do the business because the top leaders are travelling to many cities to share with you exactly what they do to be successful and the local leaders will provide you with everything you need to know to be successful!

5. How To Build This Business?

The most effective way to build your business is over a cup of coffee at Starbucks or your favorite cafe or restaurant. Just share the business opportunity and benefits of the products.

Don't do it alone when you are new in the business, leverage on the support of the person who introduce you into the business or an experienced leader who can confidently present the business opportunity and share the benefits of the products!

There are other ways, another way you can build your business is to invite your friends to a business opportunity and product talk presented by experienced leaders at the office or invite them to the special events where top leaders will be presenting the business.

You can conduct home parties or present a business talk at clubs and association to introduce this wonderful global opportunity to help people to have more money and more time to live their dreams!

You can also promote your business online with email marketing by sending an email with a video link and your replicated website link. You can share your replicated website link with friends on facebook, twitter and youtube.

You will be sharing a brilliant, proven and tested system to earn US$100,000 or more a month in passive income in 1 to 3 years! Thousands of people in this industry have done it in 1 to 3 years, and they have a very important message for you, "Yes it is possible, and if we can do it, you can do it too!"

6. How To Get Prospects Offline and Online?

This business is about integrity, trust, credibility and relationship. People will only do business with people they like. Whether it is offline and online, you must build the trust, credibility and relationship.

This business is about loving, caring, sharing and giving. Your role is a solution provider, giving people the answers they are seeking. Billions worldwide are seeking for a brilliant, proven and tested system to have more money and more time to live their dreams, and you have the answer!

You can share a viral-marketing report that has your replicated website link in it, this way you can duplicated your time and effort thousands of times!

7. What Is So Special About The Compensation Plan?

Leaders are smart people, and only a simple, dynamic and generous compensation plan will attract them! A hybrid compensation plan, binary and unilevel, gives you leverage and depth! The binary plan will promote teamwork and gives you deep leverage and the unilevel plan will give you width and promote personal effort in building leaders.

The person who introduce you into the business will give you clarity on the compensation plan and you must attend training so that you are crystal clear on why the compensation plan is able to attract top experienced leaders who have made millions in this business!

8. How Top Leaders Earn US$100,000 Or More A Month In Passive Income In 1 To 3 Years?

There are no secrets to success, I speak from over 23 years of network marketing experience, I made my first million from this business and I've learn from the best of the best.

I personally invested over $100,000 to learn from many successful entrepreneurs, business consultants and marketing experts such as Robert Kiysosaki, Jay Abraham and Mark Victor Hansen!

Here are the common factors of top leaders who earn US$100,000 or more a month in passive income!

1. Action - They took action - they just do it!

2. Attitude - They have a positive mental attitude.

3. Aim - They know exactly where they want to go.

4. Ask - Yes ask and you shall receive, they are wise enough to ask enough until they get it! They always work with the Law of Averages.

5. Big Dream - They have a big dream that drives them to do the things they must do to achieve it!

6. Burning Desire - They are driven by a burning desire to succeed!

7. Be - You cannot be what you are not, isn't it? And what you are is made up of the principles, values and beliefs that are dear to your heart! It is about being a good leader with the right character.

8. Bold - Fortune favors those who are loving, caring and courageous!

9. Clarity - Yes clarity is power! They are crystal clear on what they want to achieve.

10. Commitment - All successful people invest money, time and effort to turn their dreams into reality!

11. Co-operation - Successful people understand the importance of teamwork, to leverage on each other's strengths and to work as a team.

12. Consistency - Yes it is having the daily discipline, to be consistent in what you do that brings you closer to your dream!

13. They work the system because they know the brilliant, proven and tested system will work for them!

14. They plug themselves and their teams into the support system of training, seminars, webinars, special events and conventions.

15. They believe in loving, caring, sharing and giving! And most important of all they believe and tell themselves, "Yes it is possible, if they can do it, I can do it too!"

9. What Are The SECRETS To Success In This Business?

There are no secrets, you can get everything you need to know to be successful in this business if you plug yourself into the support system of training, seminars, webinars, special events and conventions!

I love to use acronyms and "SECRETS" is a great acronym for Service, Education, Commitment, Results, Empower, Think and System!

Service - Always put people first before money, great service to many people is the way to greatness. People are attracted to you when they know you have their best interest at heart.

Education - You don't know what you don't know. And that is why it is very important to plug yourself and your team into the support system of training, seminars, webinars, special events and conventions so that you know what are the right things to do to be successful in this business.

In this wonderful business, you can learn and earn at the same time! "The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance." - Socrates

Commitment - You must commit the money, time and effort to make your dreams a reality. All successful people do that. To be successful, do what the successful people are doing!

Results - If you are not happy with the results in your business and your life, then you must change the causes that are causing them, isn't it? For things to change, first you must change, and it starts from your thoughts, principles, values and beliefs.

Yes lead by example and judge by results. There is a very popular saying, "Don't tell me, show me!"

Empower - This wonderful business gives you a great opportunity to make a positive difference to millions of lives worldwide! When you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, but when you teach him how to fish, he feeds himself and his family for a lifetime! Now you have a brilliant, proven, duplicatable and tested system to teach people how to fish!

Think - "You are what you think." - Buddha. You are the results of your thoughts, words and actions. Many people join the business and get into politics, criticizing their uplines, downlines, company and everyone but themselves!

Focus on the business and don't get into the politics of criticizing others, check yourself and every morning and every night, look into the mirror and ask this very important question, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the cause of it all?" Always remember this empowering statement, "If it is to be, it is up to me!"

System - You must appreciate and be excited about this brilliant, duplicatable, proven and tested system to help you have more money and more time to live your dream!

Robert Kiyosaki hit it on the nail when he titled his book, "The Business School For People Who Like Helping People." You now have a system to help people to live a better and happy life!

10. What Are The Things Top Leaders Are Doing And Not Doing?

Top leaders have the qualities in the answer to Question No.9, they do whatever it takes ethically to achieve their dreams. They do not bad mouth others and engage in politics.

They focus on the business and do not get personal and bad mouth others because they understand that they are not perfect too and everyone makes mistakes. They do not judge others.

Top leaders are sincere, serious and committed towards achieving their dreams and they believe in teamwork. You are only as strong as your team, and they understand it is the system that rewards, they do not make their uplines or downlines an issue.

They respect and appreciate the system and have a positive mental attitude. Those who fail do not respect or appreciate the system and have a negative mental attitude.

Top leaders are humble, teachable and willing to learn from those who have been there and done that, their cup is not full.

Many business people or corporate executives think they know it all or try to apply what they have learned from their business or their jobs into this simple business, they complicate matters and make it difficult for themselves and their teams!

Top leaders leverage on the brilliant, duplicatable, proven and tested system and are willing to follow the successful leaders, they do not reinvent the wheel!

11. Why People Fail In This Business?

Selfishness, big ego, negative mental attitude, and not willing to learn. They do not understand this business is about loving, caring, sharing and giving. They do not understand that it is about teamwork.

They do not understand that you must be humble, teachable and willing to learn. They have a negative mental attitude and will focus on negative things. They cannot accept the fact that nothing is perfect and nothing is permanent.

The 80/20 rule is that there are no perfect companies, if you find a company that is doing 80% right, you have found a wonderful company, there is always room for improvements, the 20% are the areas that the company can improve on!

Just like a person, there are no perfect person, if you are doing 80% right, you would be doing very well, the 20% is for you to improve and make yourself a better person!

There are great lessons in the Bible, when the people gathered and were ready to stone the prostitute, Jesus came along and told them, "Those who have not sinned, throw the first stone." Those who have picked up a stone, dropped it. Jesus did not judge the woman, he told her, "Go and sin no more."

Jesus understands human nature, He knows we all make mistakes. That is why there is this wonderful saying, "To err is human, to forgive, divine!"

People fail in this business because they are not doing what the successful leaders are doing! To be successful, do what the successful leaders are doing!

12. What Are The Proven Effective Strategies To Build The Business?

This business is about loving, caring, sharing and giving. It is about integrity and doing the right things. It is about building trust, relationship and beliefs. It is a process and it takes time.

Thousands of people are earning US$10,000 to US$100,000 or more a month in passive income, and they did it in 1 to 3 years. You need a realistic time frame of 1 to 3 years to achieve great results.

The most effective strategy to build the business is to be sincere, serious and committed towards the business and speak heart-to-heart to your prospects over a cup of coffee at Starbucks or your favorite cafe!

There are other proven effective strategies and you will learn them when you attend the training, seminars, webinars, special events and conventions!

13. What Is The Support System?

The support system is made up of the training, seminars, webinars, special events and conventions. The purpose of the support system is to support you and your team, to give you clarity on how to do the business effectively, and you get the opportunity to learn from top leaders who are very successful!

Here is the advice given by top network marketers, "You must plug yourself and your team into the support system!"

14. In A Nutshell Tell Me What I Must Do To Be Successful?

Speak to the person who shared the opportunity with you, he has your best interest at heart and it is win-win, your success is part of his success, he will introduce you to successful leaders who will guide you on what are the right things to do.

Plug yourself and your team into the support system of training, seminars, webinars, special events and conventions so that you and your team are crystal clear on how to do the business, and more importantly why you want to do this wonderful business!

Be positive, be teachable and be willing to learn from those who are successful. Work on the brilliant, duplicatable, proven and tested system and the system will work for you - guaranteed!

Here is my million-dollar success formula, it has helped me to make my first million in this wonderful business, "If not now, when? If not you, who? It is not how to? It is always why do?!"

Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

15. What Is The Best Way To Build This Business?

Based on my 22 years of knowledge and experience and the great sharing from top network marketers, my answer would be "Leverage!".

You must leverage on the support from your leaders, if you have a prospects and you know he is earning $10,000 or more a month, leverage on a leader who is earning $20,000 or more a month. It is human nature, people will respect those who are earning much more than them and will tend to listen to what they have to share!

When introducing your friend to your leader, you must edify your leader so that your prospects will respect your leader. When your friend trust you and respect your leader, you have two very important factors working for you, trust and respect!

Always have the best interest of your prospects. Confucius said, "Sincerity is the highest mark of a man."

People are attracted to you when they know that you are sincere and have their best interest at heart. And always remember that this business is about loving, caring, sharing and giving. And if you are a loving, caring, sharing and giving person, your success is guaranteed!

16. What Must I Do To Make Money In This Business?

Go to my blog, I have videos posted on the 8 Money-Making Activities, go to: www.whynotdonow.com/?page_id=13

17. Is there A Few Simple Steps For Me To Make Money Online?

Yes there are 3 simple steps for you to make money online.
Once you have registered for your replicated website, here are three effective ways to promote your website online:

1. Sent emails to your friends and ask them to click on your replicated website link and get back to you if they are interested, be proactive and give them a call to ensure they visited your website and watched the videos.

2. Make friends on social media such as facebook, twitter and youtube and share your replicated website link.

3. Leverage on a viral-marketing report where you add your replicated website link and the people in your team can duplicate what you are doing, this way you can multiply your time and effort thousands of times!

18. In A Nutshell Tell Me What This Business Is All About?

Have you recommended a good bar of chocolate, a good book, a good restaurant or a good movie? Were you given a referral fee or a global opportunity to earn a lifetime passive income? In this business you get to earn a lifetime passive income doing something that you have been doing since you were a child!

It is like a dynamic co-operative club with a brilliant, duplicatable, proven and tested system to help you earn lifetime passive income!

You get the opportunity to order great products at wholesale price and when you recommend the opportunity to others, you get to enjoy a commission on their purchases and on the purchases of those they recommended through a brilliant compensation plan!

You leverage on a great global opportunity to earn a lifetime passive income by recommending great health supplements and skin care products to your loved ones, relatives and friends!

This wonderful business offers you a brilliant, proven and tested business model that has made a positive difference to millions of lives worldwide for over 60 years!

This business model has been highly recommended by thousands of successful entrepreneurs, business consultants and marketing experts such as Robert Kiyosaki, Stephen Covey and Mark Victor Hansen! There are thousands of books and articles written about network marketing!

Why work hard when you can work smart? Why not do something that you have been doing for many years and earn a lifetime passive income? Why not do a why-not-do business?

If you are not in this business, and you are an enterprising professional looking for a Plan B or an alternative stream of income, email or call me and I will show you how to get started! Click on the link below:


Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

+65 8168 2088 (Singapore)
Skype id: bruceseah

P.S. Apply my million-dollar success formula, it has helped me to make my first million in this wonderful business,
"If not now, when? If not you, who? It is not how to? It is always why do?!"

Go to http://www.whynotdo.jeunesseglobal.com or go to http://www.BruceSeah.com

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