“For Network Marketers Who Want A Second CHANCE!”

I love to share my knowledge and experience to help millions worldwide to live a happy, healthy and wealthy life!

You can be part of this wonderful worldwide movement, "To help all people to live a better and happy life, help make this world a better place, and help make world peace a reality." This is my calling, mission and big dream!

I invite you to join me in promoting this wonderful worldwide movement, and I believe with God's help, all things are possible!

Don't be too hard on yourself if you're not getting good results from your present network marketing company, it's not your fault, you don't know what you don't know. Life is like the fairy tale, you have to kiss a few frogs before you find your Prince!

Many top network marketing leaders had to go through a few network marketing companies before they found the right one!

"CHANCE!" is a great acronym for Communication, Help, Action, Numbers, Change, Empower and ! - Represents the Irresistible Offer!

I'll touch briefly on this acronym and will share more with you at my full-day seminar on "How To Make Your First Million in Network Marketing!" At this seminar you will discover how you can be part of the next billion-dollar network marketing company!

Communication - How well you communicate with yourself and others will determine how well you live! Are you communicating with yourself and others positively or negatively?

Help - The more people you help to be happy, healthy and wealthy, the more happy, healthy and wealthy you will be!

Action - "Nothing happens until something moves." - Albert Einstein. "Don't sit in the meadow and expect the cow to back up and be milked - go after the cow!" - Elbert Hubbard. "Don't be a NATO member, No Action, Talk Only!" - Bruce Seah. Here's the slogan that helped make a billion-dollar brand, "Just do it!"

Numbers - This business is driven by leaders. All you need is a few good leaders to help you build an organization of tens of thousands!

Change - Be willing to change. For things to change, first you must change. Change your thoughts and you will change your life! If you continue to do what you are doing, you will continue to get what you are getting, isn't it?

Empower - Give a man a fish and you feed him only for a day, but teach him how to fish and he feeds himself and his family for a lifetime!

! - Represents the Irresistible Offer! - All successful marketers always give an irresistible offer! It's an offer that is packed with so much value, benefits and advantages it will make you feel silly, foolish and stupid not to grab it!

Now for a very small investment of $290 in a health package, you get the opportunity to learn how to make your first million in network marketing from someone who has been there and done that! So what are you waiting for? Speak to the person who recommended you to this website.

How to attend this full-day seminar for free? Simply invest in a health supplement package at $290, and you can attend this full-day seminar worth $1,000 for free!

You get four cans of Alpha Lipid Lifeline, one of New Image International best-selling products, thousands of cans of Alpha Lipid Lifeline are sold every day. It's a very popular breakfast drink and thousands are drinking it every day.

Alpha Lipid Lifeline has colostrum powder, lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium. In short, it is simply nutritious, delicious and packed with lots of health benefits.

This is truly an irresistible offer! Plus you get a one-year membership with New Image International worth $50 for free!

Divide $290 by 365 days, that is 79 cents a day to build your global business. I will show you how to break even in your first month and start making profit.

I am working with the Law of Attraction to attract smart people who want to leverage on my 23 years of network marketing and 17 years of internet marketing experience for free!

The Law of Attraction is working all the time, what you are looking for is looking for you! You are not here by accident, yes it's true, if you have been constantly thinking of having more money, more time or better health, you've attracted this post to you!

Over the years I've invested over $100,000 to learn million-dollar lessons on business and life from many successful entrepreneurs such as Robert Kiyosaki, Jay Abraham and Mark Victor Hansen! When you are part of my team, you can learn many million-dollar lessons for free!

Three very important questions that will help you to live a better life!

1. What do you really want in life?
2. Are you willing to learn from those who are enjoying the things you want in life?
3. Are you willing to pay the price to get it?

Date: 8 July, Saturday and 15 July, Saturday
Time: 9.30 am to 5.30 pm
Venue: New Image International Auditorium
140 Paya Lebar Road #07-02 AZ @ Paya Lebar, Singapore 409015
(Get off at Macpherson MRT Station and proceed to Exit A, once you are out of the station, look across and you can see the tall AZ building.)

Admission is free for those who purchased the $290 health supplement package and light refreshments will be served.

To confirm your interest, call 8168 2088 today!

Let me share a bit of my success story not to impress you but to impress upon you that I know exactly what I'm sharing with you.

I've trained and inspired thousands in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Nigeria, USA, Hong Kong, Philippines and New Zealand!

I've made my first million in network marketing without using a cent of my own, I used my credit card and 23 years ago my investment was $4,400 for a business builder package.

I am the author of three best-selling books on network marketing, "Break Free! - There Is A Better Way To Earn A Living, Why Network Marketing? and How To Be Successful in Network Marketing."




All my books are sold out. I'm looking for a good publisher to republish them and I will donate 100% of my royalty fees to help feed hungry children, and to build wells to provide clean drinking water where it is desperately needed.

It took me 23 years and hundreds of thousands to build my million-dollar brand, Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach. Now you can leverage on this million-dollar brand to build your business with my mentoring and coaching.

Over the years I've developed a simple blueprint on how to make your first million in network marketing!

If you live in Singapore, give me a call 8168 2088 and let's meet at New Image International beautiful office for a private discussion on what's in it for you!

I am looking for leaders to build the business in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan and Hong Kong!

Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

P.S. Here's my million-dollar success formula that helped me to make my first million in network marketing, "If not now, when? If not you, who? It is not how to? It is always why do??"

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