“How “MR GOOGLE” Can Make You Very Rich!”

You don't know what you don't know, isn't it?

If you want to know how to be a millionaire, go to Mr Google and key in "How To Be A Millionaire?" and look at the number of answers! I tested that a few seconds ago and I got 11,000,000 results!

If there is anything you don't know, go to "Mr Google" and search for it and you'll have many answers to your question!

"MR GOOGLE!" is a great acronym for Master, Results, God, Opportunity, Observe, Give, Love, Education and ! - Represents the Irresistible Offer!

I'll touch briefly on this acronym and will share more with you at our free training sessions where I share million-dollar lessons on business and life with you for free!

Master - You must master the skill of asking, seeking and knocking on doors to get what you want in life.

Trust God to give you the best success formula, ""Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." - Matthew 7:7

God has given you the wisdom to work with the law of averages to guarantee your success, you must do enough and do it long enough to get what you want in life!

Results - If you continue to do what you're doing, you'll continue to get what you're getting, isn't it? To get different results, you must think differently, speak differently and do differently!

God - You've heard it many times that God is love and love is God, haven't you? God is wisdom too. With love and wisdom, you can have all the good things in this life, and more importantly, a joyful and everlasting life in God's kingdom!

Opportunity - This viral report offers you a great opportunity to work smart by leveraging a brilliant, proven and very effective marketing system to achieve financial freedom!

Observe - If you want to be happy, healthy and successful, observe what the happy, healthy and successful people are doing and follow them.

Trust God to give you the simplest and best instruction, "Follow me."

Give - Always work with the universal law of giving and receiving, the more you give, the more you'll receive and many times it comes back to you in many folds!

Trust God to give you the greatest gift, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16

Love - If you're a loving, caring, sharing, giving and forgiving person, you're half way to being successful. The other half is to grab this great opportunity that is offered to you in this report and do the right thing.

Education - If you can learn how to ride a bicycle or drive a car, you can learn how to be successful in this wonderful business of people helping people to live a better life!

You'll have an excellent support system of training, seminars, webinars, special events and conventions to help you and your team to be successful.

! - Represents the Irresistible Offer! - This report offers you two irresistible offers! You can choose the irresistible business builder package or the irresistible basic package!

Trust God to give you the best irresistible offer! "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."

If you're seeking God and you want to know more about him, speak to the person who shared this report with you. God bless you!

The law of attraction is working all the time, what you're looking for is looking for you!

Speak to the person who shared this viral report with you, call 8168 2088 now! Or click on the link below to join the global business.

To benefit greatly from the one-day Network Marketing Success Forum worth $1,000 and the special "Think Out Of The Box" program, worth $10,000, just order the products I've recommended or any products that add up to $336 or more, the most important step is to start!


Hi, this is Bruce Seah, Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach, with 26 years of network marketing and 20 years of internet marketing experience. I want to share my knowledge and experience to help as many people as possible to live a better life!


You will be given a replicated website link. When you are part of our team, you can leverage on my viral reports and replace the website link and contact numbers with yours, print it and share it with a friend over a cup of coffee.

You can share the business online by sending emails to friends with your website link or share it on social media such as facebook, twitter, youtube, chat groups, etc.

Call 8168 2088 now or click on the website link below to join us now!


I am working with 4Life, a rock-solid 21-year old company in Utah, USA, with offices in 25 countries and offers you a powerful e-commerce platform to build a global business in 90 countries!

The One-Day Network Marketing Success Forum, Two-Day Create Wealth System Forum and 12-Month Think Out Of The Box Program, 2 hours a week held at our office, is only available in Singapore and I am looking for business partners to make it available in many countries!

To find out more about this great opportunity, call 8168 2088 now! Or click on the website link below and join us now!


Let me share a bit of my success story, it is not to impress you but to impress upon you that I know exactly what I'm sharing with you.

I made my first million in network marketing, and I did it by thinking out of the box, I didn't use a cent of my own, I used my credit card, the bank's money or other people's money.

I've trained and inspired thousands in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Nigeria, USA, Hong Kong, Philippines and New Zealand.

I've written three best-selling books on network marketing, Break Free! - There Is A Better Way To Earn A Living, Why Network Marketing? and How To Be Successful in Network Marketing.

My books are sold out. I'm looking for a good publisher to republish them and I'll donate 100% of my royalty fees to help feed hungry children and to build wells to provide clean drinking water where it is desperately needed.




To find out more about this great opportunity, call 8168 2088 now! Or click on the website link below and join now!


Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

P.S. Here's my million-dollar success formula, it helped me to make my first million in network marketing, "If not now, when? If not you, who? It is not how to? It is always why do??"

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