This report will help all network marketers in the world in their business!

This report is part of my wonderful worldwide movement, To help all people live a better and happy life and help make this world a better place, and to help make world peace a reality."

This movement is my calling, mission and dream! And I believe with God's help, all things are possible!

There is no website link found in this report. You can use this report to help your network marketing organization grow.

This report is based on over 22 years of network marketing knowledge and experience.

Network marketing has evolved. It's now more powerful with the integration of internet marketing. You get to leverage on the best of both worlds, high touch and high tech.

"Nothing, not all the armies of the world can stop an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo

Network marketing integrated with internet marketing is an idea whose time has come.

I love to use acronyms to get my message across and "HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN NETWORK MARKETING!" is a great acronym for Heart, O - Represents the Law of Cause and Effect, Wisdom, Think, Opportunity. Be, Energy, Seek, Universal laws, Caring, Communication, Education, System, Solution, Freedom, Understand, Leverage, Integrity, Numbers, Noble, Empower, Time, Why, Observe, Results, Kindness, Multiply, Action, Reach, Know, Ecommerce, Teamwork, Innovation, Next, Greatness and ! - Represents the Irresistible Offer!

I'll touch briefly on this acronym and will share more with you in the future at my generic network marketing seminar that I'll be conducting in many cities.

Right now I'm looking for events organizers in many cities to work with me on a win-win basis to offer a 2-day generic network marketing seminar on How To Be Successful in Network Marketing!

Heart - Where the heart goes, the body will follow! If you have all the money and time in the world, what would you love to do?

O - Represents the Law of Cause and Effect - what you sow you shall reap - what goes around comes around in your business and your life. Do the right things to get the right results.

Wisdom - Why continue to work hard when you can work smart? Why depend on yourself and 24 hours in a day when you can leverage on thousands of people and thousands of hours in a day?

Think - "You are what you think." - Buddha. You cannot be what you are not, isn't it? And what you are is made up of the principles, values and beliefs you hold dear to your heart.

Opportunity - Network marketing is the greatest opportunity in the world! Where ordinary people with a very small investment can earn US$100,000 or more a month in lifetime passive income in 1 to 3 years! The return on investment is mind boggling!

Be - Network marketing is like a big mirror and will reflect back to you who you are. To be successful you must be a leader of good character with the integrity to do the right things.

Energy - Everything is energy. Thoughts are energy. Are your thoughts positive or negative? Are you giving out positive or negative energy?

Seek - Yes the success formula is found in the Bible, "Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you." - Matthew 7:7

Universal laws - Work with these five perennial, proven and powerful universal laws: The Law of Cause and Effect, The Law of Attraction, The Law of Giving and Receiving, The Law of Averages, and The Law of Multiplication!

Caring - If you are loving, caring, sharing and giving, you are half way to being successful. The other half is to be teachable, join the right company at the right time and do the right things.

Communication - How well you communicate with yourself and others will determine how well you live. Invest time, effort and money to improve yourself.

Education - You don't know what you don't know. Be teachable and be willing to learn from successful leaders who've been there done that! In this wonderful business, you'll have lots of opportunities to learn from many successful leaders.

System - You have a brilliant, proven and effective system to have more money, more time and better health, and at the same time help people achieve their dreams!

Solution - The solution is the system! Billions worldwide are looking for a brilliant, proven and effective system to have more money, more time and better health!

Freedom - Why continue to be bossed around when you can be your own boss and earn as much as you want? Why continue to be stuck in a 9 to 5 job that you are not happy with?

"Give me liberty or give me death!" - Patrick Henry

Understand - Understand how and why it works. If thousands of successful entrepreneurs such as Robert Kiyosaki, Stephen Covey and Mark Victor Hansen are recommending network marketing, it must be a good business, isn't it?

Leverage - "I rather earn 1% of 100 people's effort than 100% of my own effort." - J Paul Getty. Why not leverage on a brilliant, proven and effective system to have more money, more time and better health?

Integrity - God has made it very clear the importance of integrity in the Bible, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." - Matthew 7:7

Numbers - This business is driven by leaders. All you need is a few good leaders to help you build an organization of tens of thousands of people in 1 to 3 years!

Noble - Network marketing is a very noble business, it is a win-win business based on integrity, trust and relationship! The more people you help to be successful, the more successful you'll be.

"My whole career has been build around the concept that you can have everything in life that you want if you will just help enough people get what they want. Network marketing, more than any other structure I've ever seen, brings that concept into manifestation."
- Zig Ziglar

"A network marketing business is the perfect business for people who like helping other people." - Robert Kiyosaki

"It is the most ethical form of business." - Bob Proctor

Empower - When you give a man a fish, you feed him only for a day, but when you teach him how to fish, he feeds himself and his family for a lifetime.

Network marketing gives you the opportunity to empower millions worldwide with a brilliant, proven and effective system to have more money, more time and better health!

Time - You got only 24 hours in a day. How many hours in a day can you trade for money?

All successful people leverage their time and effort. They do not depend on themselves and 24 hours in a day. They have people and money working for them!

Why - Why are you doing this business? What is your burning desire? What is your big dream?

Here's my million-dollar success formula, it helped me to make my first million in network marketing, "If not now, when? If not you, who? It is not how to? It is always why do??"

Observe - To be a successful network marketer, observe what the successful network marketers are doing and follow them!

Results - If you are not getting good results, most probably you are not doing the 8 money-making activities.

Here are the 8 money-making activities: List, Call, Present,
Sponsor, Follow Up, Follow Through, Plug Yourself Into The Support System, and Lead by Example!

Kindness - People are attracted to you if you show kindness and have their best interest at heart.

Do your best to do little acts of kindness every day. It will definitely help to make this world a better place!

Multiply - Never underestimate the power of multiplication. Consistently build your business for 1 to 3 years and you'll see your organization multiply to thousands of people!

Action - "Nothing happens until something moves." - Albert Einstein. Don't belong to the NATO (No Action Talk Only) Club! Be teachable and do the 8 money-making activities!

Reach - There are many ways to reach people, through the phone, name cards, brochures, heart-to-heart talk over a cup of coffee at Starbucks, seminars, webinars, email marketing, facebook, twitter, youtube and other social media.

You'll learn everything you need to know to be successful if you attend the training, seminars, webinars, special events and conventions.

Know- To know and not do is not knowing it enough or understanding what is it really all about. Knowing is not enough, you must take action on what you know!

Ecommerce - You must leverage on a powerful ecommerce platform to expand your business globally! Why settle for a few countries when you can have the world for your market?

Teamwork - You must work as a team. Together Everyone Achieves More!

Innovation - Network marketing has a very innovative system to help people have more money, more time and better health!

Next - Be consistent in your prospecting. Some will, some won't, next! Millions are waiting for you to share your great global opportunity! The Law of Averages will ensure your success!

Greatness - Great service to many people is the way to greatness! Network marketing gives you the opportunity to help millions worldwide to live a better and happy life!

! - Represents the Irresistible Offer! - Instead of investing $100,000 to $1,000,000 or more to start a conventional business in one country, you can start a global business in many countries for $2,000 or less!

So what are you waiting for? Speak to the person who shared this report with you!

Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

P.S. This report is copyrighted. Do not change any word in this report. This report is not for sale. You can use this report for your training purposes and to help your organization to grow.

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