How To Grow Rich In The Billion-Dollar Self-Education Industry For Only $1 A Day!

Yes, my forte is keeping it as simple as possible!

Here's your opportunity to grow rich in the billion-dollar self-education industry for only $1 a day, less than a cup of coffee! And I give you a 90-day risk-free 100% money-back guarantee to give you that little push to make that simple decision that will help you grow rich!

Here are 10 powerful thought-provoking questions that will help you to grow rich!

1. If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?

2. Why do you work for money when you can have people and money working for you?

3. Why work hard when you can work smart?

4. Why depend on yourself and 24 hours in a day when you can leverage thousands of people and thousands of hours in a day?

5. Why don't you leverage a brilliant, proven and very effective marketing system to achieve financial freedom?

6. Why aren't you willing to invest in yourself to learn from successful people?

7. Why aren't you willing to do what the successful people are doing?

8. Why don't you get a mentor and coach to help you grow rich?

9. Why you want to take the long, winding and difficult road when there's a short, straight and simple road for you?

10. Why don't you live your dream when millions are doing it through a simple program?

The answers to the above questions will be covered at the 365 Days To A Better Life Program, more importantly will be the answers that come from you, so it is best you do some soul searching and answer these questions yourself now.

An employee will stay as an employee for life if he is not willing to change his employee mindset.

"You are what you think." - The Buddha

An employee loves security and do not like to take risk and want to be told what to do and do not think out of the box. He is held back by fears, doubts and skepticism and lack the courage to break free to do the things he love to do. He is not willing to invest in himself to learn from successful people and not willing to do what they are doing.

If you have a business mindset, it's the opposite, you do not look for security, you look for financial freedom and you like to take calculated risk and want to live life on your own terms with no monkey on your back! You think out of the box and you're willing to invest in yourself to learn from successful people and you're willing to do what they are doing.

"The best financial investment is in yourself, the more you learn, the more you earn." - Warren Buffet

At the 365 Days To A Better Life Program, you'll learn how to change your employee mindset to a business mindset.

"A BUSINESS MINDSET!" is a great acrostic for Ask, Beliefs, Universal laws, Service, Integrity, Numbers, Education, System, Sustainability, Multiply, Inspire, Next, Desire, Share, Empower, Teamwork and "!" - represents the Irresistible Offer!

I'll share more on this acrostic with you at the 365 Days To A Better Life Program.

The 365 Days To A Better Life Program was launched in Singapore and I'm looking for business partners to make it available in many countries. Singaporeans have the first-mover advantage!

You don't know what you don't know, isn't it? The good news is you can know what you don't know by learning from someone who knows what you want to know!

The two critical factors that stop you from being successful is not knowing what the successful people are doing and not doing what they are doing.

In my 365 Days To A Better Life Program, I'll be sharing with your from my 27 years of network marketing and 21 years of internet marketing experience, and the million-dollar lessons on business and life I've learned from many multi-millionaires. I've invested over $100,000 to learn from many successful entrepreneurs such as Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Jay Abraham and Mark Victor Hansen.

There are 8 groups of people, and you know which group you belong to, isn't it? I am looking for those who want to know and will apply what they know to live a better life and help others to do the same.

1. Those who know.
2. Those who don't know.
3. Those who want to know.
4. Those who don't want to know.
5. Those who think they know but don't know.
6. Those who don't want you to know.
7. Those who stop you from knowing.
8. Those who know and want you to know.

I belong to group No.8, I know and I want you to know because together we can help millions live a better life and help make this world a better place. We can do it by sharing the 365 Days To A Better Life Program with as many people as possible with this viral report.

Here's the million-dollar question: What you are doing every day is it bringing you closer to what you want in life?

Is it helping you to have more money, more time, better health and a better relationship? That's what most people want, isn't it?

And if what you are doing every day is not bringing you closer to what you want in life, why are you doing it?

Yes, the quality of the questions you ask yourself and others will determine the quality of your life.

Learn how to ask the right questions to the right people to get the right results at my 365 Days To A Better Life Program or in short, "365 Better Life" Program. And you can leverage this viral report and the brilliant system to ask the right questions for you.

A picture says a thousand words, a video says so much more, this very short video of my 2-hour free preview give you a gist of my message, I belong to the group who know and want you to know. I want millions to know what I know and help millions live a better life and make this world a better place.

The 365 Days To A Better Life Program is an irresistible offer! It's a one-year program for you to leverage my $100,000 investment to learn million-dollar lessons on business and life from many successful entrepreneurs and my $10,000 investment to learn internet marketing.

You get to leverage my 27 years of network marketing and 21 years of internet marketing knowledge and experience.

You get it all for a very small one-time investment of $365 only or only $1 a day!

Yes, you can grow rich when you keep on sharing this irresistible offer with as many people as possible with this viral report.

The following questions are not trick questions, they are thought-provoking questions that make you think.

Do you want to leverage $110,000 worth of personal development and business education for a very small one time investment of $365 only or $1 a day?

Do you want to be a free affiliate and earn active income from $1,300 to $3,900 or more a month without coming out a cent from your pocket?

Do you want to leverage a brilliant, proven and very effective marketing system with a very small one-time investment of $365 in the 365 Days To A Better Life Program and learn how to earn $10,000 or more a month in passive income?

Yes, I know if you are new to this, earning money with no money seems like magic! It is called affiliate marketing and millions worldwide are doing it!

I will show you exactly how to earn money in many countries as a free affiliate or as our business partner with a very small one-time investment of $365 or $1 a day only!

With the 365 Days To A Better Life Program, you will learn million-dollar lessons on business and life that I've invested over $100,000 to learn!

For a very small one-time investment of $365 for a year which is only $1 a day, you can gain so much and learn how to earn $10,000 or more a month!

Yes, for only $1 a day, less than the price of a cup of coffee, you have a great opportunity to achieve financial freedom!

If in one day you can earn a $130 referral fee, in 365 days you would have earned $47,450 (365 x $130). The potential is mind boggling isn't it? Anyone will say "Wow!" to such a fantastic return on investment!

You will learn how to do a simple 25-minute presentation and when you do three 25-minute presentations in a day, your chances of getting a "Yes" is very good!

Based on a 33.3% success rate, when you get one person to say "Yes" to the very small one-time investment of $365 in the 365 Days To A Better Life Program, your generous referral fee is $130.

It's easy to get people to say "Yes" because it's an irresistible offer and it comes with a 90-day risk-free 100% money-back guarantee! Because it's an irresistible offer and it comes with a money-back guarantee, you will get a 30% to 50% success rate!

Even if you achieved 50% of what is projected, that is still a whopping $23,725! Let's be very conservation and imagine you only achieved 10% of what is projected, your returns from your $365 investment is still very attractive at $4,745!

For a very small investment of $1 a day and when you get a person to say "Yes" to the 365 Days To A Better Life Program, you earn a referral fee of $130, that is a 13,000% return on your money!

If you know of any other business that can give you such a high return for $1, please let me know!

Here's why it works.

1. It's a very small one-time investment of only $365 or $1 a day! And you will agree that most people can afford it, isn't it? And the best part about it is if you don't have the money to start, you can start with no money by being a free affiliate. This makes it very simple and duplicatable.

2. It's an irresistible offer that is packed with so much value, benefits and advantages, you'll want to grab it now!

3. It comes with a 90-day risk-free 100% money-back guarantee!

4. You have weekly presentations to help you build your global business.

5. You have an excellent support system of training, seminars, webinars, special events and conventions to ensure everyone knows how to do the business the right way.

I've launched the 365 Days To A Better Life Program in Singapore to help millions live a better life!

I am looking for business partners to make it available in many countries.

"The best financial investment is in yourself. The more you learn, the more you earn." - Warren Buffet

Here's how it works.

You get $110,000 value of personal development and business education when you commit a very small one-time investment of $365 which is $1 a day and you get a 90-day risk-free 100% money-back guarantee!

"If after following my step-by-step instructions for 90 days and you do not earn at least 200% of what you've invested in the program, I'll return 100% of your money." - Bruce Seah, Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

It is a God-inspired project and it is non-profit. 50% of the proceeds will go to feed hungry children and build wells to provide clean drinking water and 50% will go to make this program the best in the world!

It is my pay-it-forward project and I want to share my 27 years of network marketing and 21 years of internet marketing knowledge and experience to help millions live a better life.

You'll be given a great opportunity to build a global business with me. I'll also share with you million-dollar lessons on business and life that I've invested over $100,000 to learn.

You'll also learn million-dollar lessons on internet marketing that I've invested over $10,000 to learn.

It includes a full-day seminar followed by 12 monthly 2-hour seminars and daily emails to inspire you and share million-dollar lessons on business and life to help you live a better life!

You can get this program for free by referring three persons to the program because you get rewarded with a very generous $130 referral fee, which means when you recommend three persons, you can enjoy your program for free! 3 x $130 = $390 You will also earn some extra money! $390 - $365 = $25

You can earn a good part time income if you recommend 10 persons a month which is 10 x $130 = $1,300

You can earn $3,900 a month part-time if you recommend 30 persons into the program in a month, but that is only the appetizer, the main course is learning how to earn a passive income of $10,000 or more a month, and this can happen for you in 1 to 3 years.

Yes, I'm giving you a very realistic time frame of 1 to 3 years and a very attractive figure of $10,000 a month. You'll agree that most people right now are not earning $10,000 a month in their jobs.

And you know for a fact, many people have worked very hard in their jobs for 10 years or more, and they never come close to earning $10,000 a month, isn't it? Most probably they are waiting for you to share this great opportunity!

With my personal 90-day risk-free 100% money-back guarantee, there is absolutely no risk to you. With so much to gain and nothing to lose and if you don't do it, who is the one to lose? Take action now and just do it!

Every Thursday I'll be conducting three slots of 25-minute presentations to give you clarity on how it works and help you build your business. After listening to me 10 times giving the 25-minute presentation, you will be able to be independent and do your own 25-minute presentation to support your team. This business is about duplication and multiplication.

Every Thursday, the 25-minute presentations are held at Asentar Cafe, 65 Oxley Bizhub, #01-48

7.30 pm to 7.55 pm
8.00 pm to 8.25 pm
8.30 pm to 8.55 pm

You will get the first-mover advantage because you'll be among the pioneers in Singapore to promote this revolutionary, life-changing and empowering program!

To confirm your attendance, message to 8168 2088 and state the time slot you are attending.

When you are part of our team, you will be given the rights to leverage this viral report and replace the above contact number you see above with yours. This way everyone can do exactly what everyone is doing.

Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

P.S. If there is nothing to lose and so much to gain, why don't you do it?


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