How To Turn $1,000 to $1,000,000 In 10 Years!

Yes, success is a process and it requires commitment of money, time and consistent effort, and you can achieve much over time.

You can only achieve what you believe you can achieve, isn't it? So whatever you are aiming for, it must be believable, doable and achievable, millions have done it!

In fact, worldwide, there are over 50 million millionaires! If 50 million people can become millionaires, you can be one too, isn't it?

To earn $1,000,000 in 10 years is to earn $8,333 a month and there are millions worldwide doing it in a job depending on themselves and 24 hours in a day or in a network marketing business by leveraging thousands of people and thousands of hours in a day!

You choose how you want to earn your money and how you want to live your life. We all live and die with the choices we make every day.

I'm giving you a very realistic time frame and a very realistic income potential based on my 29 years of network marketing experience. In fact, most people in network marketing take 10 years or more to earn their first million and the million-dollar question to ask yourself, "Is it worth the commitment of money, time and consistent effort to achieve it?"

Hi, this is Bruce Seah, Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach, and I want to help millions live a better life by sharing my 29 years of network marketing and 23 years of digital marketing knowledge and experience.

I'm promoting this wonderful worldwide movement to help millions live a better life, help make this world a better place and help make world peace a reality. I invite you to join me to promote this wonderful worldwide movement by joining my Jeunesse Global Team with less than US$1,000 in a business builder package of excellent health supplements, skincare or haircare products or less than US$500 in a basic package.

Think out of the box, you can make your first million without using a cent of your own, that is what I did! I leverage on the bank's money or other people's money, I used my credit card. 29 years ago, my business builder package was S$4,400 about US$3,000 and once you understand network marketing, you will want to do it!

Network marketing is a brilliant, fool-proof and fail-proof money making system that gives you a great opportunity to build an organization of thousands of people that enables you to work smart by leveraging thousands of people and thousands of hours in a day!

Because of the different time zones in 150 countries, you can earn money while you sleep! This viral report offers you a great opportunity to build a simple 24/7 global business in 150 countries and you can take 10 years or more to earn your first million!

Millions have worked very hard in a job depending on themselve and 24 hours in a day and never come close to earning a million dollars in 10 years. Most of them take 40 years or more to earn their first million in a job.

Let's keep the numbers as simple as possible so you can follow what I'm sharing. For example if you earn $25,000 in a year, it will take you 10 years to earn $250,000 and 40 years to earn $1,000,000 isn't it? If there is a proven money-making system to earn $1,000,000 in 10 years why don't you do it? And if you have strong and influential business builders in your team, you can cut down your time to 5 years or less!

This business is driven by business builders, positive and enteprising people who are serious about building the business and want to earn their first million in 3 to 5 years. How much you earn in this global business will depend on your commitment of money, time and consistent effort to build it, isn't it?

Why it is a brilliant, fool-proof and fail-proof money-making system!

It is brilliant because everyone wins and you get to leverage Other People's Money(OPM), Other People's Time(OPT), Other People's Effort(OPE), Other People's Credibility(OPE), Other People's Influence(OPI) and Other People's Network(OPN). To know more, speak to the person who shared this viral report with you or click on the link below and just do it!

When you're part of my Jeunesse Global Team, you'll be given the rights to leverage this viral report and replace the above replicated website link with yours. This way everyone in your organization can do exactly what you do and it will help your business to grow exponentially!

The preferred customers win because they get to benefit greatly from the excellent health supplements, skincare and haircare products at wholesale prices. These products will help them to feel and look years younger.

The independent business distributors win because they get to leverage a brilliant, fool-proof and fail-proof money making system to achieve financial freedom!

The company wins because they leverage the most cost-effective form of marketing which is word-of-mouth marketing.

It is fool-proof because you don't have to be smart to work the system, just be teachable and be willing to follow the simple step-by-step instruction given to you by the successful leaders at the training, seminars, webinars, special events and conventions.

It is fail-proof because when you work the system, the system will work for you. Yes, it takes two to tango. The system is part of the solution, the other critical part is you because for the system to work, you must work the system!

Take action now, click on the link below and just do it!

You can leverage this viral report and share it with as many people as possible and when you do it, you can guarantee your success because you'll be working with the law of averages, some will, some won't, next!

This wonderful business of people helping people to live a better life is for everyone but not everyone is for it. Different strokes for different folks. Not everyone want to be a doctor, dentist, lawyer or accountant, isn't it?

Robert Kiyosaki wrote two best-selling books on network marketing, "The Business School For People Who Like Helping People" and "The Business of The 21st Century" and I highly recommend you read these two books to have a better understanding of this wonderful business.

There is no excuse for not knowing how to be successful in this business because you can learn from many successful leaders and you can learn for free at my YouTube Channel. I've uploaded 52 videos ranging from 5 minutes to 30 minutes to teach you how to earn your first million in network marketing.

You can live on your excuses or you can live your dream but you can't do both.

So what are you waiting for? Speak to the person who shared this viral report with you or click on the link below and just do it!

Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

P.S. To Be Rich And Successful You Must Do What The Rich And Successful People Do!

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