“Lesson 42 – I AM GOD!”

What God has to do with network marketing? If you believe in God and have the wisdom, you'll understand that everything is created by God for a purpose.

God is in charge! God created the world, He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent! He is almighty, He knows everything and He is in all places!

Every day God is in control, if the earth movement is off a few degrees and starts moving towards the sun, we will all end up like roasted chickens! We can all forget about our career, investments and retirement plans!

Network marketing is non religious and we respect all religions and beliefs. I wrote this blog post for my Christian sisters and brothers and for those who are seeking God.

If you are very comfortable with what you believe, you can skip this lesson. But if you feel there is an emptiness within you, a hunger for divine love and understanding of the great love the Father in heaven has for you, then read farther.

Why this lesson on God? I've this calling to serve God and to share his glory and power!

I've this magnificent obsession to promote this wonderful worldwide movement, "To help all people to live a better and happy life, help make this world a better place, and help make world peace a reality." This is my calling, mission and dream, and I believe with God's help, all things are possible!

One of my big dreams is to help feed 10 million hungry children and to build 1,000 wells to provide clean drinking water where it is desperately needed.

I believe God has saved my life 8 times for a great purpose and that is to serve him and bring as many people as possible to him by sharing my life-changing story.

First time - When I was about 8 or 10 years old, I had a complicated dental operation, it was about 2 hours!

My wisdom tooth instead of growing up, had grown sideway! During the dental operation I must have lost lots of blood and had what they call a near death experience, I had an out of body experience!

I was able to leave my body and could see the dental surgeon operating over me! It was mind boggling for a very young boy. At that moment I experienced the heavenly feeling of floating in the air near the roof of the operating room! When I started thinking how was that possible, the next moment I was back in my body! After the operation, I noticed the nurses gave me a strange look, they knew they almost lost me!

Second time - When I was about 12 years old, I love the sea and every year my aunt's son would rent a bungalow by the seaside and we would spent a few days there. I love to play in the water and almost drown when I went deeper into the water and was saved by my brother!

Third time - I was a teenager and I love to swim every week. I had a leg cramp when I was at the swimming pool and almost drown, I swallowed lots of chlorinated water! My life flashed through my mind like a videotape on fast forward mode! I could hear the life guard's whistle and I struggled with all my strength and managed to reach the side of the pool!

Fourth time - I was a young man and was invited to have a swim at my friend's condominium swimming pool, again I had a leg cramp and was drowning, under the water I could see Terence, my good friend, swimming towards me and he was a strong swimmer, he managed to save me!

Fifth time - I was on a boating trip and when a pole dropped into the sea, I dived into the water to retrieve it, suddenly I realized there was a strong current sweeping me away very fast. Fortunately we were near the pier and there were a few small boats and I saw a rope and grabbed it! That rope saved my life and I believe God was that rope!

Sixth time - I was on a company's convention in Bali, Indonesia, and it includes a rafting trip! We stopped at a little waterfall and lots of people were having a great time around it and I being very adventurous move towards them, I didn't know near the fall there was a deep dip, I fell into it and was turned over like clothes in a washing machine! Luckily I had my life vest on and one of the guides grabbed my life vest and saved me from drowning!

Seventh time - I was crossing the road and it seemed that the motorbike that was speeding very fast went through me! He was shocked that he didn't hit me, of course I had a greater shock that the bike missed me by an inch!

Eighth time - I was staying at the Hilton hotel in San Francisco, that time I was leading a tour group, that day I must have drank lots of water and woke up at about 4.00 am to relieve myself. I return to my extra big king size bed and it looked like a small pool to me, I impulsively dive into it and one of my legs must have been tripped by the huge bed covers and I ended up diving to the side and hitting my forehead onto the side-table!

If I had lost consciousness I would have bled to death because there were lots of bleeding! I immediately call the operator to tell her what happened and to call an ambulance. I was sent to the Jackson hospital on Jackson Steet, the same hospital where Bruce Lee, my grandmaster in Jeet Kune Do was born! An American Japanese plastic surgeon did a good job on sewing up the wound on my forehead!

I believe God save my life a few times more without me knowing it! I almost lost an eye in a martial arts sparring session with a lightweight Thai boxing champion! And I almost lost my eye again in a serious accident that ended up with stitches near my eye and a night stay at the hospital. I am very grateful every day for God's grace and protection.

In the last three years I've this realization that God saved my life so many times for a great purpose and that is to serve mankind and to bring them closer to God.

I hope by sharing this acronym "I AM GOD!" you'll get to understand God better and accept Him into your life because He loves you very much!

"I AM GOD!" is a great acronym for Integrity, Almighty, Multiply, Giving, O - Represents Creation, Disciples, and ! - Represents the Irresistible Offer!

Integrity - God is love, God is wisdom and God is integrity. God made it very clear the importance of integrity in the Bible, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." - Matthew 7:12

God sent his son Jesus to teach us integrity and Jesus gave the simplest instruction, "Follow me." and for those who fail to understand Jesus simple instruction, God gave grace and forgive those who repent.

Almighty - God is omnipotent (He is all powerful), ominscient (He is all knowing) and omnipresent (He is in all places).

With God all things are possible. He created the world! And with our limited intelligence, many times we do not understand God, it is like a 4-year old child trying to understand what the father is doing?

You just have to trust and believe that He has your best interest at heart, always.

Multiply - God is in all places and Mother Nature has a great lesson for us on the power of multiplication! You can count the number of seeds in an apple but you cannot count the number of apples in the seeds!

You are a walking miracle of the power of multiplication. You started from the meeting of the sperm of your father with the egg of your mother. You were born a winner, there were hundreds of millions of sperms and only one get to reach the egg to create the first stem cell called the zygote.

The zygote multiplied to different stem cells to form the brain, eyes, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, nerves, bones, etc. It's amazing isn't it? From two cells it multiplied to over 60 trillion cells in your body!

Giving - God is giving. God shows the ultimate sacrifice, the ultimate giving and the ultimate love!

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16

God is giving and forgiving. "To err is human, to forgive is divine!" When Jesus was at the cross and was suffering excruciating pain, He was able to forgive, He asked the Father, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."

That is why Socrates said, "The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance."

O - Represents Creation - God is creative! He created the world, the universe, he created everything on earth. We are created in the image of God. That is why we are creative too! Like Father Like Son!

There is no end to creativity just like a circle, it goes on and on - infinity! As you can see for many people "O" means zero it means nothing, it is all a matter of perspective, it also means everything, all encompassing, infinity!

You can choose to see the cup as half empty or half full. You can choose to be positive or negative. God has given you free will, the freedom to choose! You can choose to be good or evil. You can choose to do the right thing or wrong thing.

Do the right things and you'll get the right results. "O" also represents the Law of Cause and Effect - what you sow you shall reap - what goes around comes around in your business and your life.

"O" also represents God! It represents being omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, it represents the beginning and the end. "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." - Revelation 22:13

Disciples - God came in the form of Jesus to make disciples of us, He wants us to be Christlike, to be Christians and He gave the simplest instruction, "Follow me." A good question to ask yourself when you are about to say something or do something, "Would Jesus say what I'm going to say, would Jesus do what I'm going to do?"

Are your thoughts positive and empowering? Would Jesus think what you're thinking? Always check yourself on what you think, say and do because God knows everything. There are no secrets!

! - Represents the Irresistible Offer!

God created the world, with His wisdom, He knows how to give an irresistible offer! God has given you the simplest success formula!

"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." - Matthew 6:33

Make the right choice, you live and die with the choices you've made in life. God has given you free will. You can choose to perish or have eternal life with our Father in heaven, where you can be with your loved ones again and there will be no more tears and no more parting.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16

I hope and pray that this blog post will bring you closer to God. He loves you and He is always with you.

I pray in precious Jesus name. Amen.

With Love


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