Share This “BREAKTHROUGH” Report And Grow Rich!

Millions are being stuck in a job they hate that is daily draining their lives away! Here is a "BREAKTHROUGH" report to help them break free! If you are one of them, you can break free with this report and help millions to break free!

"BREAKTHROUGH!" is a great acrostic for Believe, Results, Education, Ask, Kindness, Think, Health, Reach, Opportunity, Universal laws, Give, Help and "!" - represents the Irresistible Offer!

I'll share more with you on this acrostic at our free training sessions.

After doing network marketing for 28 years I want to fill the big gap which is making it a fool-proof, fail-proof and earning the first few hundred easy and fast!

People are the same everywhere, if you offer great value, make it easy for them to do and give them a 90-day risk-free 100% money-back guarantee, it will be foolish not to do it, isn't it?

Imagine someone come to you and tell you, "I'm going to give you $200,000 worth of business tools for one year and you have a business mentor and coach with 28 years of network marketing experience to help you earn $3,000 to $10,000 or more a month, would you be interested if your investment is only 81 cents a day?" and to assure you it is a genuine offer, "It comes with a 90-day risk-free 100% money-back guarantee!"

Hi this is Bruce Seah, Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach, I've created the U.L.T.I.M.A.T.E Create Wealth System Seminar Program to help millions worldwide to live a better life and it's not going to cost US$2,000 or more like in many programs, your very small one-time investment is less than US$1,000 or US$297.

To get started there are 2 options:

Option 1: Just click on the link below to get started with any business builder package with a very small one-time investment for less than $1,000. We highly recommend Option 1 because you directly deal with the company and it's very fast. You are entitled to the U.L.T.I.M.A.T.E. Create Wealth System Seminar Program which is one full year and includes 48 weekly 2-hour seminars or webinars.

If you live in Singapore it will be a weekly 2-hour seminar or webinar and if you live in another country it will be 2-hour webinar.

Option 2: If money is an issue, make a very small one-time investment of US$297 in the U.L.T.I.M.A.T.E. Create Wealth System Seminar Program. The payment will be paid to me through PayNow if you live in Singapore or PayPal if you live in another country.

The back end support we leverage Jeunesse Global, a rock-solid 11-year old billion-dollar company that gives you a powerful e-commerce platform to build a global business in 147 countries!

For Option 2, I'm giving a $100 referral fee and this will help you to earn $100 or more a day if you really work hard in your first 90 days. But this is only the appetizer, the main course is learning how to earn $3,000 to $10,000 or more a month in passive income and you have one full year to learn how to do it.

If you have any question, speak to the person who shared this viral report with you, message to +65 8168 2088.

When you are part of our dynamic global team, you'll be given the rights to leverage this viral report and replace the contact numbers and website links in this report with yours. This way everyone in your team can do exactly what you do and this will help your global business to grow exponentially.

When things get back to normal the travel restrictions are lifted, I plan to travel to many cities to promote the U.L.T.I.M.A.T.E Create Wealth System Seminar Program and I will be looking for business partners to help me do it.

A picture says a thousand words, a video says so much more. For clarity on how it works and why it works, watch the short 6-minute video below to the end.

There is absolutely no risk because I give a 90-day risk-free 100% money-back guarantee!

"If you follow my step-by-step instruction for 90 days and you do not earn double of the US$297 you've invested in the program, I'll return 100% of your money." - Bruce Seah, Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach.

I want to make it very easy for everyone to take that first baby step towards living a better life with a very small one-time investment of as little as US$297 or 81 cents a day!

Here's a short recap of the irresistible offer! You can start with less than US$1,000 or US$297. You have a business mentor and coach to guide you with 48 weekly 2-hour seminars or webinars to show you exactly what you must do to earn $3,000 to $10,000 or more a month in passive income. And you have a 90-day risk-free 100% money-back guarantee!

So what are you waiting for? Speak to the person who shared this viral report with you or click on the link below and just do it!

Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

P.S. To be successful you must do what the successful people do.

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