Stop the madness! Whether it is fighting coronavirus or dengue mosquitoes, why are we just treating the effects and not the causes?

Stop the madness! Whether it is fighting coronavirus or dengue mosquitoes, why are we just treating the effects and not the causes?

Everything is cause and effect, isn't it? When there is an effect, there is a cause for it.

Where are the preventive measures in place to prevent the next virus pandemic or dengue pandemic?

We are slowly being poisoned to death!

First, the world leaders allow cigarette smoking which is the world's opium because they need the tax revenue or the votes. It is worse than opium and has caused millions of deaths worldwide!

People are placing money and their selfish interests before people. That is why the world is in such a mess today, they want to be politically correct, they don't want to rock the boat, they become "Yes" man!

When the world leaders, doctors, and scientists just treat the effects and not the causes, you are no better than grass cutters, cutting the grass and knowing they will grow again!

Firstly, fogging is only moderately effective in the control of the mosquito population. For each adult mosquito killed, many more larvae in the water remain unaffected thus reducing the number of larvae is a more effective measure. Secondly,the pesticides used in vector control are neurotoxins and have been linked to adverse effects in humans. Many of these chemicals were originally designed as nerve gasses in chemical warfare; however, much lower levels of the chemicals are used in pesticides.

Exposure to neurotoxins, even in low quantities, is also associated with numbness of the lips and tongue, nausea, headaches and respiratory problems. For these reasons, many countries have banned open-air fogging completely.

And finally, fogging is also toxic to other insects, such as butterflies and bees. The National Parks Board is planting more plants that host butterflies in an attempt to increase their population numbers, and these beautiful insects are particularly sensitive to pesticides. When bee populations are greatly affected by pesticides, global food production could be affected because of the lack of pollination.

So its high time we got aware of these facts and started taking care of ourselves as well as the nature!

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Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

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