Sometimes I wake up very early when I am inspired by God to share my knowledge and experience that will help people to live a better and happy life! Many would want to know what the 2-day "YES!" seminar, on 8 & 9 November, is all about? I love to use acronyms and here is…
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“Say YES! To A GREAT And HAPPY Life!”
I love to use acronyms and "YES", "GREAT" and "HAPPY" are great acronyms for You, Ethical, System, Greatness, Results, Education, Action, Think, Heart, Attitude, Purpose, People and Yes! Yes you now have the opportunity to leverage on my 21 years of knowledge and experience worth millions of dollars and my investment of over $100,000 to…
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“Yes To Live A Better Life You Must Ask The RIGHT QUESTIONS!”
God has given me many inspirations and magic moments in life and I am very thankful every day for the wonderful blessings and I believe I am given this gift to write well, to speak well and to sing well, for a great reason; to help people to live a better and happy life, help…
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“In Marketing It Is Never The Price, It Is Always The VALUE!”
Yes I am attracting many smart people who want to leverage on my 21 years of knowledge and experience in network marketing and my investment of over $100,000 to learn from many successful entrepreneurs, business consultants, and marketing experts such as Robert Kiyosaki, Jay Abraham and Mark Victor Hansen! I love to use acronym and…
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“I Will Be Sharing THE SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH At My “YES!” Seminar”
If you ask anyone on the street, "Would you want to know how to get rich?", most probably the answer is "Yes!". There is no secret to knowing how to get rich, then why so many people remain poor? The answer is this, "It is not the how to? It is always the why do??"…
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