“The Rotary 4-Way Test Should Be A Constant Reminder!”

Yes the Rotary 4-Way Test on the things we think, say or do, should be a constant reminder to everyone of us. You can carry a note on it in your wallet or bag or paste it somewhere in your office or home that you can see every day!

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Is it the TRUTH?

Yes many times we see only one side of the coin and we tend to prejudge or assume things which are not true. The story of the five blind men with the elephant got the message across very well.

Five blind men decided to get to know how an elephant looks like. The first blind man felt the body and said the elephant looks like a wall, the second blind man felt the ears and said it looks like a big fan, the third blind man felt the legs and said it looks like pillars, the fourth blind man felt the trunk and said it looks like a snake, and the fifth blind man felt the tail and said it looks like a rope!

Is it FAIR to all concerned?

It may be the truth but is it fair to all concerned? Here's an excellent true example, a common friend told me that the friend we knew was a bankrupt! I asked him is that the truth? And if it's true is it fair to all concerned? Why would you want to share such information? I'm sure the person would not like people going round telling others he is a bankrupt!

I told my friend that he is lucky I believe in the Rotary 4-way test, if I tell my friend that he told me he is a bankrupt, he may come after him for revealing something he may not want others to know!


By sharing the information that my friend is a brankrupt, will it build good will and better friendships?

Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Sharing negative information that does not have any value will not benefit others.

The Rotary 4-Way Test has been translated to over 100 languages! Share it with your loved ones and friends, it will definitely help create harmony in yuor office and home.

Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

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