Why Millions Worldwide Want To Know About “The Other Secret”

When you know something great that will help millions live a better life, it's your moral obligation to share it with as many people as possible, isn't it?

"The Other Secret" is about turning your monthly expenses into monthly passive income by switching stores and leveraging a brilliant, foolproof and failproof money-making system!

Hi, this is Bruce Seah, I'm on a mission to help millions live a better life and to share the Good News to the ends of the earth! My global business is secondary and my primary goal is to share the Good News with as many people as possible! But I love to share "The Other Secret" to help millions live a better life because it is a brilliant idea!

"Nothing, not all the armies of the world can stop an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo

"The Other Secret" is an idea whose time has come, it is known as network marketing but I love to call it "The Other Secret" because curiosity is very powerful! Millions worldwide know about "The Secret", the book and video by Rhonda Byrne, over 32 million copies of the book were sold! "The Secret" is about the Law of Attraction.

When you share "The Other Secret" with as many people as possible, you'll be working with five powerful universal laws to guarantee your success!

The Law of Cause and Effect - what you sow you shall reap - what goes around comes around in your business and your life. Do the right things and you will get the right results.

The Law of Attraction - what you constantly think and feel passionate about, you'll create a magnetic force that will attract certain people, events and things to you. When your intention is to help millions live a better life, all the good universal forces will gather to help you achieve that!

The Law of Giving and Receiving - the more you give, the more you'll receive. Sharing is giving, caring and loving. When you keep on sharing "The Other Secret" with as many people as possible, you'll create a powerful chain effect that will make a positive difference to millions of lives!

The Law of Averages - you must do enough and do it long enough to get what you want in life. When you keep on sharing "The Other Secret" with as many people as possible, you'll attract people who are looking for what you are offering, some will, some won't, next!

The Law of Multiplication - this wonderful business of people helping people to live a better life is driven by business builders. And all you need is a few good business builders to build an organization of thousands of people to help you live a better life. This can happen to you in 1 to 3 years.

Hi, this is Bruce Seah, Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach, and I'm passing on my 28 years of network marketing and 22 years of digital marketing knowledge and experience to help millions live a better life. I've created a simple full-day Create Wealth System Seminar valued at US$970 and I'm giving an irresistible offer and selling it at US$97 only! I've launched it in Singapore and will make it available in other countries as soon as possible.

I will record it so those living in other countries can benefit from it through a webinar. Right now it is very raw but I've always believe that you must take action to start and not wait for everything to be ready. I want to give an irresistible offer! At this seminar you will learn many million-dollar lessons that I've learned after investing over $100,000 to learn from many successful entrepreneurs such as Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Jay Abraham and Mark Victor Hansen!

For those who commit to a very small one-time investment of less than US$1,000 in any business builder package, they can attend my one-day Create Wealth System Seminar valued at US$970 for free! If you live in Singapore, you can attend the live seminar and if you live in other countries, I will record the full-day seminar and email it to you!

The most important step is to start. If money is a challenge, you can start this simple global online business for as little as US$49.95 for a year if you live in the USA and US$29.95 in other countries to be an Associate Member.

If money is not an issue, it is best to lead by example and start with any business builder package so that you can attract business builders to join your team. And you have the option to work towards being a business builder and earn up to six streams of income! For details, speak to the person who shared this viral report with you or visit the website.

By being an Associate Member you earn two streams of income, retail profit when people purchase from your replicated e-commerce website and package bonuses from US$25 to US$500 when they purchase start-up packages. Again, for the details, speak to the person who shared this viral report with you or visit the website.

For clarity on what "The Other Secret" is all about, watch this short 10-minute video to the end.

Share "The Other Secret" with as many people as possible to grow rich! Always work with the law of averages to guarantee your success, some will, some won't, next!

5 great reasons why you want to start doing this business now!

It is simple and duplicatable - most people can do it and are able to make a very small one-time investment of less than $1,000 in a business builder package, and for those who are financially challenged, they can start for as little as US$49.95 to be an Associate Membe for a year if they live in the USA or US$29.95 if they live in other countries.

You can guarantee your success - when you keep on sharing "The Other Secret" with as many people as possible, you'll be working with five powerful universal laws to guarantee your success!

Millions worldwide are waiting for you to share - people are basically the same, they want a simple way to create a positive cashflow!

If you don't share it with your loved ones and friends, others will do it! Instead of being in your team, they ended up being in other people's team!

Whether you do it or not, 3 years will pass by like a wink of an eye! Why don't you create a positive cash flow of $3,000 to $10,000 or more in 3 years and if millions can do it, you can do it too!

Take action now and click on the link below and just do it!


When you're part of my global team, you'll be given the rights to leverage this viral report and replace the above link with yours. This way everyone in your team can do exactly what you do and it will help your business to grow exponentially!

Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

P.S. Yes, millions want to know about "The Other Secret" and they are waiting for you to share it with them!

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