I am writing this report to help all network marketers to prospect for clients. This is one of my pay-it-forward projects in appreciation of this wonderful business that is making a positive difference to millions of lives worldwide!

Yes all network marketers can use this report for their prospecting, this report is copyrighted and you cannot change any part of this report.

This report is based on my 23 years of network marketing knowledge and experience.

In all industries there will always be "black sheep" and people who are not doing the right thing, that is why integrity is very important in business and life.

The public has been confused by get-rich-quick schemes and money games that come in the disguise of network marketing, and the media has not given the right perspective of this wonderful industry and created a lot of misunderstandings and misconceptions!

It all boils down to integrity, is the company doing the right thing and giving value and helping people to live a better life?

That is why God made it very clear the importance of integrity, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." - Matthew 7:12

"WHY NETWORK MARKETING?" is a great acronym for Why, Help, You, Network, Energy, Think, Wisdom, Opportunity, Results, Knowledge, Multiply, Attitude, Responsibility, Kindness, Empower, Time, Integrity, Numbers, Give, and ? - Represents asking the Right Questions.

Why - It is only wise to ask yourself why thousands of successful entrepreneurs, authors and trainers such as Robert Kiyosaki, Stephen Covey and Mark Victor Hansen are recommending network marketing?

Why thousands of successful professionals such as doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers, etc. are getting into network marketing?

Help - It is a win-win business. The more people you help to be successful, the more successful you'll be!

"Network marketing is the perfect business for people who like helping people." - Robert Kiyosaki

"My whole career has built around the concept that you can have everything in life that you want if you will just help enough people get what they want. Network marketing, more than any other structure I've ever seen, brings that concept into manifestation." - Zig Ziglar

"Network marketing is the most ethical form of business." - Bob Proctor

You - Network marketing is like a big mirror, it will reflect back to you who you are and what you are. You get lots of personal development and business training to help you become a better and more productive person.

Network marketing works when you work at it. It has a brilliant, proven and very effective system to help you have more money, more time and better health!

Network - The power of the network. You've heard it many times before, it is not what you know, it's who you know. Through network marketing you can leverage on strangers who are part of your organization who are smarter, more influential and are able to do the business better than you!

Energy - Are you giving out positive energy? Are your thinking positive or negative? Positive thinking will give out positive energy and negative thinking will give out negative energy. Network marketing is a positive business for positive people.

A person who has a positive attitude will attract positive people, events and things and a person who has a negative attitude will attract negative people, events and things. Yes the Law of Attraction is working all the time.

Think - You cannot be what you are not, isn't it? And what you are is made up of your principles, values and beliefs. You cannot do things that are against your principles, values and beliefs, isn't it?

Network marketing is a positive business for people with positive principles, positive values and positive beliefs! Most people fail in network marketing is because they have negative thinking or they joined a wrong company that lacks integrity and is doing the wrong things.

Wisdom - Network marketing is a loving, caring, sharing and giving business for people who are wise. If you have love and wisdom, you can have everything you want in life. You've heard it many times that God is love and love is God, haven't you? God is wisdom too!

Opportunity - Network marketing gives ordinary people a great opportunity to earn extraordinary lifetime passive income by leveraging on a brilliant, proven and very effective system that has helped millions worldwide to live a better life!

Results - Network marketing is not on trial, it has been proven and tested in over a hundred countries for over 60 years! Isn't it wonderful to be in a business knowing that the business will work for you when you work the business!

Knowledge - Network marketing is about personal development and business education. You'll have lots of opportunities to learn from successful leaders at training, seminars, webinars, special events and conventions.

Multiply - You get the opportunity to work with the Law of Multiplication! The system will help you to duplicate and multiply your time and effort thousands of times by building an organization of thousands of people!

Attitude - You must have a positive attitude if you want to succeed in any thing. Your chances of success will improve greatly in network marketing when you have a positive attitude. Like I mentioned earlier, most people fail because they have negative thinking or they joined a wrong company that is doing the wrong things.

Responsibility - There is a Chinese saying that when you know something good that will benefit others it is your moral obligation to share it. If you are a responsible person and take responsibility for the results in your business and your life, you will probably be very successful in network marketing.

Kindness - You must be loving and kind if you want to be successful in network marketing. It is a people business and people respond very well to people who are loving and kind. Make it a habit to show kindness every day, it will create a powerful ripple effect and make a positive difference to millions of lives worldwide!

Empower - When you give a man a fish, you feed him only for a day, but when you teach him how to fish, he feeds himself and his family for a lifetime! Network marketing gives you the opportunity to teach people how to fish.

Time - Yes time and tide wait for no man. If you have neglected your health it may be later than you think. Network marketing helps you and millions worldwide to have more money, more time and better health. With good health you can live another 10 to 20 years more which money cannot buy. Time is your greatest asset on earth!

Integrity - God has made it very clear the importance of integrity, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." - Matthew 7:12'

"Integrity is the essence of everything." - Buckminster Fuller

Numbers - This business is driven by leaders. All you need is a few good leaders to help you build an organization of tens of thousands!

You can count the number of seeds in an apple but you cannot count the number of apples in the seeds. Good leaders are like the seeds in an apple.

Give - When you give you must receive and when you receive you must give. The more you give the more you receive. You must always work with the Law of Giving and Receiving if you want to be successful in network marketing.

Trust God to remind you of this wonderful law with every breath you take. When you breathe out you must breathe in, and when you breathe in you must breathe out, isn't it? If you understand God, you will realize that God is Love, Wisdom, Integrity, Grace and Giving! That is why I wholeheartedly believe that network marketing is a God-given opportunity!

? - Represents asking the Right Questions - The quality of your questions will determine the quality of your life.

Why work hard when you can work smart?

Why depend on yourself and 24 hours in a day when you can leverage on thousands of people and thousands of hours in a day?

Why not leverage on a brilliant, proven and very effective system to have more money, more time and better health?

Why not do a why-not-do business??

If you've been praying to God, this report could be God's answer to your prayer!

To learn more about this wonderful business, have the integrity and wisdom
to speak to the person who shared this report with you.

Love, Learn, Leverage and Live Your Dream!

Bruce Seah
Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach

P.S. Always work with the Law of Averages to ensure your success.
Keep on sharing this report with as many people as possible if you want to
be successful in network marketing!

P.P.S. Here's my million-dollar success formula, it helped me to make my
first million in network marketing and I'm very sure it will help you too!
"If not now, when? If not you, who? It is not how to? It is always why do??"

God bless you!

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